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Mastery Lesson 16 – Final Product Creation Step

At this point, you should be nearly done creating your first product, and should be wrapping up the creation of your first product. (If you are missing the product creation lesson, here it is again):

==>How to Create Your Product Lesson

Your final step for your product creation is to put your mp3 files on a download page.

A download page can be as simple as a web page, just like this.

If you built your site with wordpress, it can simply be a “page” on your site.

You can directly link to the mp3 files you created if you used a service like audioacrobat or instantteleseminar (although in the long run I would recommend uploading the mp3 files to your web server and keeping a backup on your computer and a backup service like dropbox).

If you created the mp3s on your site, you will need to upload them to your web server.

If you don’t know how to do that, contact your web host for the best way to upload files to your web server.

— Sean Mize

P.S. Perhaps you have been thinking, I have questions for Sean. If so, you might be interested to know this: I do a weekly training call where I teach for about 30-45 minutes (sometimes longer) then I open the call for q and a – if something like that interests you, read this for more info (or to sign up):

==>Weekly Training and Q and A With Sean

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