Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

The Daily Blueprint Checklist

Let’s look at our 12-month blueprint now.

We have 5 tracks:

  • We have a product track
  • A coaching track
  • 30 minute daily content track
  • Daily email track
  • And a subscriber track

When you wake up every single morning, you just go down this track.

Ask yourself:

What do I need to do for product creation today?  Ah, I need to record for an hour.

Track 2 – what do I need to do for coaching today?  Oh, I need to talk with one prospect.

Track 3 – daily content, 30 minutes, what do I need to do?  Oh, 30 minutes of daily content, because I do that every day.

Track 4, daily email.  What do I need to do to do a daily email today?  Open up our auto-responder and write a daily email.
Then Track 5, subscribers, what do we need to do?  What’s the next step?  You evaluate what you’ve done for traffic so far, what’s worked, what hasn’t, and expand.

Every single day you look at this blueprint.

Can you use this concept to create a 90-day blueprint?  For anything?  Yes!

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