Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Why Build a Membership?

The concept with a membership site is that you’ll be able to enroll new buyers into a membership (much as you enrolled in this one) so that you work with them or offer them training on some kind of regular basis.

It doesn’t have to be as intensive as this membership, it can be as light as just one new training per month, although when you first get started you might want to add more than that, since the membership will be a bit light on content right at first (just like this one is!)

The key advantage with a membership – for you – is that instead of making a one time sale and then having to create a new product next month and sell that and again the next month, to make a living, instead you sell it once, and each month you just add your “product” (training) to the membership, instead of selling it as a standalone.

And the advantage for the client is that they don’t have to think about what to buy each month to learn, they just continue to get access to your new training as you create it.

So over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll work on getting this set up.

It’s going to be exciting, and you are going to be amazed at how easy I make it.

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