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Get Web Hosting

Obviously, if you already have a website built, or have web hosting, skip this lesson.

But for completeness, I’ve included it . . .

I don’t want to tell you that one web host is better than another.

But I want to give you some guidance in choosing, and then I will recommend a couple and tell you why.

Two big keys with web hosts: 1) make sure they are stable, been around for a long time, and can deliver what they say they can. If your web host is a cheapo company that isn’t making a profit or is operated out of someone’s basement or storage locker, and their servers go down . . . your business goes down. This is NOT an area to cheat in!

2) Unless you are a technical server expert, be sure your web host has GREAT customer service so they can help you if you get stuck.

Now, both of the above components cost more to run a web hosting business than if a business doesn’t meet those criteria, so if you are evaluating hosting based on the cheapest you can get, you will probably get what you pay for, and are taking an amazingly ridiculous risk with your business.

Having said, all of that, I personally use these 2 web hosts, and here’s why:

WordPress Engine

Hostgator Web Hosting (Great hosting, low price, non-managed)

They both have amazing customer service.

And with wpengine, they do EVERYTHING for you on your wordpress installation – not only do they install it for you, they keep it updated for you, they keep it secure for you, it is fully managed wordpress webhosting. Now, if you don’t use wordpress for your site, then it won’t work for you. But I believe it is the world’s best wordpress hosting, I use it personally for 9 different sites, and love it. And by the way, YES, it is more expensive. You are paying for security, managed hosting, and you are paying for their customer service technical people to answer any question you have about anything at anytime (I think they have like 100 technical reps who work for them, not just some outsourced by the ticket worker)

Enough said, it is well worth your investment!

Now, I must say this, for both of those companies, I will earn a commission if you enroll through their link above. If you don’t like that idea, clear your cache and cookies, and go to their website through google (and someone else will probably get a commission!!!)

Ok, if you don’t have web hosting already, I highly recommend using one of these 2 web hosts:

WordPress Engine

Hostgator Web Hosting (Great hosting, low price, non-managed)

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