Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

70 Sales Letters

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70 Sales Letters:

==> This zip file contains the sales letters

Note: there are about 70 sales letters there. I never intended them to be in
one file, so to create that file I had to go through each product folder
and copy them over – so there might be a few letters that are very
similar, perhaps for basically the same product. But most if not all are
unique. Also, some sales letters may be for products never created, or
delivered live etc. It’s not a perfect file, but if you read the sales
letters, you will get some real ideas for how to create spins on what
you do, and how to write compelling sales letters about many times,
boring products!!


I trust you are going to extract maximum value out of this package, and
want to see you take your business to amazing levels in 2015!!!!

Sean Mize, author of ==>Anyone Can Coach

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