Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Mastery Lesson 20 – Finessing Your Sales Letter

At this point, your sales letter should be nearly complete, and you’ll want to re-read it, read it aloud, and maybe let a few people read it and make sure it flows just like a real conversation.

Listen to these tracks for additional clarification and ideas:

Initial Core Training

EavesDrop on Me and a Client Discussing His Sales Letter

By the way, at this point, you might be thinking, I think I’m not ready to write my own sales letter, I’d rather use a sales letter writer. If so, I recommend this one:

Marlon’s Sales Letter Writer

Marlon’s sales letter writer is really easy to use, and you simply fill in the blanks with info about your benefits, etc. of your product or service and the software does all the rest!

— Sean Mize

P.S. Perhaps you have been thinking, I have questions for Sean. If so, you might be interested to know this: I do a weekly training call where I teach for about 30-45 minutes (sometimes longer) then I open the call for q and a – if something like that interests you, read this for more info (or to sign up):

==>Weekly Training and Q and A With Sean

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