Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Mastery Lesson 23 – Case Study of Blueprinting

I’m tempted to skip a lesson today, as it’s so very important that you listen to yesterday’s lesson!

If you haven’t, please start here:

The first is the very last part of a 3 hour training from a few days ago, a lot of folks skip it, so want to give it to you again, of course if you find you’ve already listened to it, skip ahead:

==>Daily Content How and Why

This next track is key and powerful, it’s long, but worth it. It’s a recording from a high level mastermind, but trust me, if you listen to this all the way through, you’ll have light bulbs going off all over the place!

==>Powerful Content Discussion, Introduces 30 Min of Daily Content

Then, today’s lesson:

A few days ago you created a blueprint for your business. Then you created your first product. And yesterday you studied the above trainings about 30 minutes of expert level daily content.

The next track is also an excerpt from a live high level mastermind, but it beautifully illustrates creating a blueprint, so if you aren’t 100% on your blueprint yet, listen to this:

==>Powerful Discussion of Blueprinting

Tomorrow we start on your coaching program!

— Sean Mize

P.S. Perhaps you have been thinking, I have questions for Sean. If so, you might be interested to know this: I do a weekly training call where I teach for about 30-45 minutes (sometimes longer) then I open the call for q and a – if something like that interests you, read this for more info (or to sign up):

==>Weekly Training and Q and A With Sean

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