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Mastery Lesson 33 – How to Create Your Expert Frame and High Ticket Consulting Offer

In today’s lesson, I’d like to teach you about how to create your expert frame and high ticket consulting offer, because we’ve talked about the concept some. It’s not necessary, and based on your business model that you have outlined over the last few days, you might listen and decide you don’t want to add this to your own model, and that’s okay too:

How to Create Your Expert Frame and High Ticket Consulting Offer

Homework: If you want to create an expert frame and high ticket consulting offer, outline it today, then for one hour a day for the next 3 days, create it (this will be in addition to the normal daily lessons; they are intended to require a little less time than the average lesson so if you are spending 2-3 hours a day building your business, you should have the time you need).

— Sean Mize

P.S. Perhaps you have been thinking, I have questions for Sean. If so, you might be interested to know this: I do a weekly training call where I teach for about 30-45 minutes (sometimes longer) then I open the call for q and a – if something like that interests you, read this for more info (or to sign up):

==>Weekly Training and Q and A With Sean

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