Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Mastery Lesson 42 – Sales Funnel Strategy

At this point, you’ve written your credibility campaign, and you are writing and sending a daily email (if you are not, finish those things and begin writing a daily email before starting this and succeeding lessons, as those are critical foundational components)

You see, the next step will be to write a sales funnel email campaign. But if the other parts aren’t in place first, this won’t work. It will just be salesy, just like so many email campaigns you subscribe to but never buy from. The relational and credibility and daily components MUST be in place before you start writing “selling” emails.

Over the next few days, you’ll gain new concepts, and the homework each day is to implement what I teach in that day’s lesson, whether it’s a campaign strategy, campaign idea, or specific email to write:

Today: Sales Funnel Strategy:

Sales Funnel Strategy

Homework: write out an outline of your own sales funnel strategy

— Sean Mize

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