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Mastery Lesson 47 – Product Launch Campaign Emails

So far we’ve talked about how to write your credibility and automated campaigns. Today’s lesson is quite long; I considered breaking it into separate lessons, but think it will impede learning. So I’ve put it all in one lesson which will teach you how to write a complete launch campaign for each of your products:

Product Launch Campaign Emails

Notice that this lesson is teaching you how to write a specific email campaign for a product launch. Your campaign may or may not be ready for this, but I wanted you to have all the information possible it.

Note: you have probably noticed the assigned homework has been outlining primarily. These are designed to give you ideas that once they click for you, will make great sense to you in terms of knowing what to write in an email campaign.

Remember, you are writing a daily email (you are, aren’t you?) so you are getting practice as you continue building your business. And one day you will know you are ready to just combine it all together, using your best emails so far, plus new ideas, into an automated email campaign. There is NO RUSH to create an automated campaign, I am teaching you all of this because it is so useful down the road and don’t want you to miss out on it if you never take another training from me 🙂 ) The automation will come, focus on the daily emails for now.

— Sean Mize

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