Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Mastery Lesson 54 – Your Traffic Strategy

After studying the last few lessons, you should be getting a strong feel for how I approach “traffic” – a bit differently than you might have been exposed to in the past.

I believe strongly in finding out where your prospects hang out and get involved there and attract them to your site and your business.

Due to the fact that this program is only 60 lessons long and I have around 700 lessons all together in my various programs, there is much I can’t share in this coaching program . . . and particularly on the traffic topic, I recommend that if you like what you have learned from me in the last 3 lessons, I highly suggest you look into purchasing this program that contains about 20 powerful trainings about how I drive traffic and targeted prospects:

Targeted Traffic Training Program

In addition to finding prospects where they “hang out” online, I recommend using a content strategy to attract them to your site, and I have a training program that teaches that as well:

Content Marketing Training Program

And for today’s specific training:

Future of Expert Presence Marketing

Homework: Outline your traffic strategy for getting targeted prospects to your website so that you can interact with them and meet their needs.

— Sean Mize

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