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Article Marketing Directories


5 Are article directories still a good place to publish your articles.
6) How many articles directories…5…10…20 to publish your articles?

My answer: only use an article directory if that article directory is one that gets good rankings in your niche in google, or you have some other good reason for using an article directory.

But I no longer recommend mass article directories as a source of traffic.

I personally primarily use ezinearticles only, and there are at least 2 reasons for that: 1) I already have 25,000 articles there and a reputation, and I get traffic there, so why not?

I get quite a few subscribers each month from ezinearticles:


2) For me, ezinearticles is somewhere folks go to read my articles, so I might as well add some new content from time to time.

BUT . . . I am a bigger proponent of putting YOUR articles on YOUR website, just like I am doing here. I probably put 10 articles or more here on this site for every article I write for ezinearticles.

Hope this helps.


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