Accomplish the Most Important Thing This Week – First
What is the single biggest thing you want to accomplish this week?
My unsolicited advice on how to accomplish it:
Do. It. First.
That’s right, stop everything.
Close email.
Turn off the phone.
Stop doing any project except this #1 thing.
When you have accomplished this #1 thing, would it have been worth
doing NOTHING ELSE and accomplishing NOTHING ELSE to have gotten
the single most important thing done this week?
How would it feel to have the single most important thing
this week done today or Tuesday instead of scrambling
on Friday afternoon or Saturday – or worse yet, putting
it off until next week (does next week ever really get here????)
How would it feel to have that single most important thing
in your week DONE?
To your success,
P.S. I hope this has been helpful