Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

The Most Important Thing You Can Do On Monday Morning

Monday morning, is hands down, the most productive time of my week, and it probably is yours, too.

But so often we squander that productivity answering email, catching up on
Facebook from the weekend, having sales meetings, and so on.

In my own business, I don’t open email or social media until Monday
afternoon when my most productive tasks of the week are done, and if
they aren’t by the end of the day, I continue my Monday on Tuesday and
email isn’t opened until Tuesday late morning or afternoon.

You might be asking, do you worry that some important email isn’t answered
in time? Define important, I say. More important than the most important
thing in my week? And I only get about 46 weeks or so (after vacations
accted for) each year? Monday is important!

Ok, here’s your takeaway: the most important thing you can do in the next
30 minutes is to turn everything off (or take a good old-fashion legal
pad with yellow paper outside and sit where there are no electronic
devices [forget your phone inside, no one can reach you]) and focus
singlemindedly on this one activity:

Define the following: if I were to only do ONE thing this week, what would it be?

Once you know that thing, determine how long that thing will take, in hours.

Then, do one of 2 things: 1) do it next. forget everything else.

2) since this has been imposed on you last-minute, this week you might
need to do it this way: write out a schedule for getting this thing done
this week. For example, if it’s an 8 hour task, schedule in 2 hours
this afternoon, 2 hours tomorrow AM, 2 hours tomorrow afternoon, and 2
hours Wed AM.

Note: if your schedule is already full, CANCEL 8
hours of activity – find 8 hours of activity that are less important
than this week’s BIG THING and just cancel them, you will be far more
satisfied with your week if you just do your BIG THING than do those 8
hours of already-scheduled things.

To your success,

Sean Mize

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