Can your write your business model on the back of a napkin?
If not, your business is probably too complicated.
That’s right – I said it – your business is probably too complicated.
Here’s a business model that can fit on a napkin:
1) target market: people who are struggling with writing emails (one target market of many)
2) write articles, videos created, and create low ticket products to get leads
3) all new subscribers go into a “30 day sub” campaign which contains a
series of selling sequences for top trainings, and a series of content
4) as subscribers become buyers, they move to higher level sales campaigns
5) all subscribers who have “graduated” from the “30 day sub” campaign get my fresh content emails (like this one)
6) From time to time, I create new products and/or offers and send broadcasts to buyers
When a new evergreen broadcast series performs well, I can take those
emails, automate them in a sequence and add them to the “30 day sub”
Will YOUR business model fit on a napkin?
If not, how could you simplify it?
If it were simpler, would it be easier to implement (and therefore get results)?
Will YOUR business model fit on a napkin?
P.S. If you were to adapt your current business model to the one listed above, what would change in your business?
Would your business operate more smoothly, more consistently, or with less moving parts?
What would your ideal business model be, for your niche, your target market, and your solutions for that target market?
To learn more about creating a blueprint for your business, including live case study examples, I recommend my Create Your Own Personal Blueprint For Amazing Results in Your Life and Business