Work With Me 30 Days – Product Creation
You don’t need to listen or read ALL of this lesson . . . just enough till you have the concept of creating your product FAST
And use the matrix as your guide for topics and product outline. (Using Your 10 x 10 Matrix)
The key is create 3 products so we can put them in a funnel and write the email campaign . . . and you’ll be about 1/2 done with the foundation of your business (the final key component is building a membership with some of your content and a few lessons)
==>Create Products With Teleseminars
==>Create Recorded Products Fast
Advanced Additional:
Additional Product Creation Methods
First Month Game Plan – 4 Products in One Month Overview
Additional Tutorials:
Outline Your Products (Critical Step)
10 x 10 Matrix (Do this first) (pdf)
Write Your Ebook
Write Your Ebook Using Your 10 x 10 Matrix (pdf)
More Guides:
Product Creation Guide
Outlining and Intro CD Product
I hope I’ve made this super-easy!
It really can be easy, just jump in and try it, see how fast you can scale!
Sean Mize, author of ==>Anyone Can Coach