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A Word of Caution About "Sales Language"

I think that’s one of the reasons that you can take an expert copywriter and he’ll make something convert at low ticket. We’re talking low ticket, throw away sales. You’re taking an expert copywriter that sells $37 products, or a $97 package, but they cannot make $1000 package convert.

I believe the reason for that is that we can hype people into buying a $37 product. What are they out, $37? We can hype people into buying a $97 package, what are they out $97? No big deal. You cannot hype people into buying $1000 package; they have to trust you. In my experience, if we use less persuasive language, if we use less scientific sales language, we are building trust. I find that conversion rates can actually be higher. The reason is that people are investing $1000 because they trust you, they want something and they trust you.

We’re not going after hype.

We have to be careful when we’re building our campaign that we don’t just say “Ok, I’ve learned some corny sales language that gets them to sign on the dotted line in the offline world.” I tried to put this into my 14 day campaign and well, it’s not working! If you read through those emails, you’re going to find some closing language. You’re going to find some persuasive language, and if you know what that language is, it’s going to jump right off of the page at you.

If you’re not careful, you’re going to look at that and say, “Sean uses that language, I’m going to put that into my own emails.” If you take a step back and you read the entire email, you realize that whatever it is that I wrote, it’s not placed there as an afterthought. It’s not just stuck in to be persuasive language. Instead, it naturally flows. It’s simply part of my conversation, and I use persuasive closing language in my own conversation.

If you ask me a question, I’d finish telling you an answer to the question. Then there’s a good possibility I’m going to ask you, “Does that make sense?” or, ““Did I answer your question?” Obviously you could say that I’m using closing language. Yes, you could say that. What that “closing language” is looking for is that the information I’ve just shared is impacting you, answering your question, etc., etc. If I was on a phone call with someone and I’m enrolling them in my coaching program, I might ask them, ““Is what we just talked about what you’re looking for?” We could look at that question and dissect it and say, “Sean is using some kind of high tech closing line.”

But, you could also just take it for what it is: I just want a yes or no answer. If all we’ve talked about is not a good fit for you, let’s get off of the phone, I don’t want to waste my time anymore, you don’t want to waste your time anymore. If it’s a good fit, then my next question might be, “Do you want to get started today?”

It’s amazing how many sales books use that line… for example that’s in chapter 13, on closing. There’s an entire chapter on this. And yet to me, it’s no more advanced than two 5-year-olds that meet each other in the park! Mom let them out to go play, they both find each other in the playground and one of them looks at the other and says, “Hey, I have this soccer ball with me today, would you like to play ball?” Really, a 5 year old.

Yes, I’ve read chapter 13 in the expert’s closing manual. But our 5-year-old will look at another boy and say, “Do you want to play ball with me?” If the other boy says “No”, what’s he going to do? Then he’ll say, “Ok, do you want to play cops and robbers?” 5-year-olds will do this. I’ve said all of that to say this: when we are writing our email campaign, we can allow this language to flow naturally… this conversation to naturally come through. We throw away all of our “sales language.” Some of the language we’ve already learned how to use because when we were kids we were asking someone if they’d like to play ball or not.

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