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Building Natural Flow Into Your Email Campaign

Let’s dig a little bit into the flow getting into the pain, challenges, and problems that your prospects are dealing with and discuss this how it’s going to flow all the way through your campaign.

One of the things that I’ve taught you is how you’re going to move individuals from the pain they’re experiencing to the solution that you’re able to offer.

Sometimes marketers begin to ask the question “what keywords do I need to do to be able to solve people’s problems?”

In my opinion, you don’t need keywords to solve people’s problems! In my opinion, in today’s advanced marketing environment, people are not searching for keywords like they used to.

When the internet was new, and people didn’t know what to ask for, or what to look for, they would type in the generic keyword.

For example, if someone was looking to plant a garden, they might type in the generic keyword “gardening.”

Things are different in today’s market where we have smart phones everywhere and advanced search on all devices. Humans are actually adapting to the new search environment. Humans are not searching for the keyword gardening when what they really want to know is “when do I plant eggplant if I live in Colorado?”

They’re not starting with gardening. They’re not even starting with “how to plant an eggplant.”

They’re not even starting with “planting eggplant”, “growing eggplant”, or “gardening eggplant”.

They’re asking specific questions about the problem they want solved.

The difference is not in search dynamics (although there is some difference there, too). The difference is that the humans themselves have adapted. Humans have adapted to what search engines can provide. In the past a human may have had to put in a string of keywords, or a succession of keywords to get to the place where they could get their answer.

For example, they started out with “gardening”. Well, that’s not working. “Gardeing + Eggplant”.

Oh, that’s not working. So “how to garden eggplant”, and then finally, ten iterations later they finally typed “when do you plant eggplant in Colorado?”. Humans now are skipping all those preliminaries, and they’re going straight for the question that answers the problem.

What does this mean for you? It means if you are focusing on keywords, you are getting the lowest, most generic prospects on earth who don’t know what they want. Or, that are so inexperienced on the web that they haven’t figured out how to ask better questions. Three months from now they’ll be a lot better at searching and won’t go for the generic terms anymore.

Imagine you were visiting a new country and you didn’t know the language at all. You’re looking for the bathroom. You would start miming what it might look like to go to the bathroom. That’s how you would start if you had no language at all. After a few people laughed at you, they would point in the direction of the bathroom, and then they’d say what the name of the bathroom was in the new language. Now you would no longer have to mime going to the bathroom in order for people to know you’re going to the bathroom because you could at least say that one word. I know, bad example here, but I’m sure this is working to help you understand where we’re going with this. You would walk up to someone and you would just say “bathroom?” “baño?” That’s all you would have to say, and they would “oh, yeah, yeah, yeah” and then they would point you to the bathroom.

After a period of time, you would learn the word “where”. You would walk up to somebody and you would say “where bathroom?”

A few days later, you would learn that you could say “where is the bathroom?” or “where is the men’s room?” or “where is the women’s room?” This may occur over a period of ten days. Once you have graduated from mimicking going to the bathroom all the way to asking the question “where is the men’s/women’s room?” would you ever go backwards in time to miming?

The answer is no.

That’s the equivalent in today’s marketplace to using a basic keyword to try to generate all of that traffic as opposed to taking people’s highest level question and targeting those.

In my opinion it is far, far better to target those highest level questions in your articles, in your blog posts, in your search engine content, in your videos, in your audios, in all of the search engine fodder that you do, in your squeeze pages, in everything that you put out there for content. Because, what will happen is, yes, you may get a smaller number of people viewing your pages, but 100% of those smaller numbers, maybe 80%, 90% of the people coming to those content pages are people who are actually looking for what you provide.

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