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Copywriting Case Study: Hitting Pain Points

Let’s switch to the swimming topic. Here are some example questions to ask:

Are you and adult, and you’re tired of not being able to swim. You’re tired of going to the beach and being afraid to drown? Does it scare you? Would you really like to be able to go to the beach and your friends go in the water and they swim, and you have to sit on the beach and just sit there and look at them because you’re scared to death that you’re going to drown?

That’s in your sales page.

Then, there’s a solution:

Do you want to alleviate this fear of drowning by being able to swim? If so, download my online course for swimming.

They purchase the online course for swimming. Maybe you’ve created five videos that show them the five basic steps to not drowning. Maybe it includes the first couple of swim moves they need to learn. Then what’s going to be next?

What’s going to be next is advanced swimming:

Now that you have surpassed this place, you’re not going to drown when you get into the water. You’re going to be able to go backwards and forwards with some basic swim moves.

Are you frustrated because you can’t do more? Because your friends are able to swim faster than you? Because you get too tired when you’re out there swimming. You swim for 30 seconds and you feel really tired, and you have to quit. I have an advanced training program that will help you get through all of these. Or you may have a swimming conditioning training program.

You put all of these things on the back end that people can purchase over time. Why? So that they can continue to alleviate that emotional pain.

Obviously, if at any point in your funnel, you completely solve that person’s problem and they no longer have a pain, or they no longer have an emotional pain, then they’re going to stop investing. Because they don’t need you anymore. Some people are going to need you a little bit. Some people are going to need you a lot.

How are we going to do this in our emails? Every single one of our emails is going to do the same type of thing! The email is going to ask the question, “are you frustrated with this particular element?” Whether it’s swimming, or cleansing, or fitness, or writing books, whatever the case is in your niche. “Are you frustrated with this particular element, if so, here’s a helpful tip.”

Now, maybe in a content email, we have the tip written out. “This is a tip that’s going to help.” At the end of that email we might say, “the very first thing that you should do is go try out that tip, you’ll be amazed at how well it works…“

“…Now if you would like to have more tips like this, so that you can just totally improve your life in this particular area, I suggest that you visit and take a look at my online course.”

At this point you might be thinking, “Well, I don’t always see your emails beginning with that particular question.” Sometimes that question can be assumed. For example, if I have a tip that I’m going to give you (say tip #14 “How to drive more traffic a certain way”), then I tell you about driving traffic, the assumption is you want to know more about driving traffic that way or you wouldn’t have opened the email at all. So we’re doing some “assumptive marketing” here.

This is especially true if I’ve done a good job through the entire campaign of asking those questions, and we come to the end, and we say, “By the way, if you want to learn more, then you can move to this next place.” The key is that everything that we’re going to do is going to be emotionally consistent. Every solution that we’re going to offer is going to be emotionally consistent with the problems and pains that the people on your list are experiencing. And it’s going to be emotionally consistent and topically consistent all the way from the beginning of your campaign until the end of your campaign. Then people will be ready when you take it to the next level.

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