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Creating a High-Level, Advanced Product

What do we need to run an advanced program?  What can we sell for $297?  What I like to see is a 10 hour MP3 or video series.  I believe that every single information marketer that has any business selling courses in what they know should be able to teach for 10 hours on their topic.  If they can’t, they need to learn some more information.  I just really believe that.

I know that may sound to some people harsh.  But I genuinely believe that.  Anybody that says “I know enough about something to teach you what I know” should be able to teach for 10 hours.  I just genuinely believe that deep down inside.

Does that mean you’re disqualified if you only have 5 hours’ worth of training in your mind?  No – but I actually fully believe that if you were to record those 5 hours of training, you could come up with another set of questions to record the other 5 hours’ worth of training.

Literally, to record 10 hours takes 10 hours.  It’s just a physics thing.  I’m focusing on this because some people take 6 months to create their 10-hour program, and it literally only takes 10 hours.  Now, there is some preparation time.  And, I’m assuming that somebody knows what they’re talking about…

Literally, in 10 to 15 minutes they should be able to create an outline of what they’re going to teach for each hour.  Each of the 10 hours takes 10 to 15 minutes of prep time, so let’s call it 1/4 of an hour for 10 hours, that’s 2 1/2 hours of prep time, plus 10 hours of recording. That means that it takes 12 1/2 hours for someone to create an information product that can be sold for $297.

If someone were to only work 1 hour a day for 12 1/2 days, they would have this done in 12 1/2 days.  That’s opposed to the 90 days or 180 days it takes most people to get their first product created.  Literally – 12 1/2 days.  And that’s only working 1 hour a day!

A lot of people say “I don’t have full time to work on my information business.” Well, you don’t have to.  All you need is 1 hour a day to get started.  1 hour a day to create that product.

After 12 1/2 days this person also has the $297 product.

So far you have a coaching program, because the coaching program you just deliver on the fly.  Then in 12 1/2 days you have the 10-hour advanced program you can sell for $297.

The question is, what do you sell for $97?

There are a few different things that someone could sell for $97.

Someone could easily say, “I finished up my 10 hours.  I could probably do a 3-hour overview of everything I taught for the 10 hours and make that the $97 product.”  That’s one option that would be pretty easy.  It would take someone about 3 hours to do that.

That’s one way to do it.

Another way to create the entry level product would be to choose 1 hour of the 10 that were recorded for the $297.  Or, better yet, take 20 minutes from 3 different trainings in the 10-hour program.  So 3, 20-minute segments that really dig into some particular topic, and sell that as a 1-hour training that digs deep into these 3 particular topics.  Sell for that for $97.

When I pick 3 20-minutes segments I’m being arbitrary; it could be 1 segment teaching a particular topic for 17 minutes, another is 27 minutes, and another segment is 18 minutes – that may not be exact and that’s OK.  The key is that people are going to be learning these topics.

The nice thing about this is when somebody buys the $97 training, you can have an offer on the download page, underneath all the trainings.  You can say, “by the way, if you really enjoyed this training, you will absolutely love my advanced training because it’s 10 times more than what you just received.”  Which is true.  They’ve gotten 1 hour out of the 10 hours.  So the advanced is 10 times more than what they just received.  If they love the 3, 20-minutes segment, my goodness, they’ll love the whole thing!  And they’re able to get 10 times more training for $297 instead of just the $97.

I’m laying this out like this for you because I want to make it clear how very easy it is to create a full funnel in literally about 15 days.

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