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How to Find Guaranteed Money-Making Product Ideas for Your Niche

Hopefully you know your market. You know what topics they’re buying books on. You can figure out what YouTube how-to videos they’re watching, what podcast they’re listening to.

If you can find out what people are watching videos on, can you find out what they’ll listen to and what they’ll read? And if you can find out what people are listening to on a podcast or a radio show, can you think about what they would buy as a book or a video?

You can – because they’ll buy on that same topic!

Where Do You Find Out What People Are Already Buying?

The question is, if we want to see what people are reading, where do we go? We go to Amazon! Amazon does a great job of ranking all the books. They tell you which books #1 this week. Which books #2 this week. Which books #1000 this week. They give you all of those rankings. No, they don’t tell you how many books they sold. But, it’s pretty easy for you to see if the book is #1, it sold a lot more than #1000.

If a book is #1000, it sold a lot more than #50,000. If there are 25 books on a particular topic, that are getting some decent rankings, that tells you that people are buying books on this particular topic.

So, Amazon is a great place to go to determine if your general niche has some interest.

Obviously, this doesn’t tell you what to do if you have a deep interest in your niche, and nobody’s ever written a book about it. We’ll get to that in just a moment.

Find Out What People Listen to – and Watch

So, we’ve looked at print, we want to find out what people are reading, we go to Amazon. If we want to find out what people are listening to, where do we go? We go where podcasts are. So, we might go to, iTunes, and find out what are people listening to. So, we go to where audios are, and we find out what people are listening to. By the way, you can do that at Amazon as well. Because Amazon will tell you what people are listening to. How do you know? Because if they’re buying it, they’re paying money to have the pleasure of listening to it.

Now, let’s say we want to start with videos. So, if folks are watching videos, how do we find them? YouTube is a great place to find people who are watching YouTube videos. You go to YouTube, you find out what people are watching on YouTube. How do you find out if they’re watching it? You don’t just look for one video that has 1m views, you look for 25 videos on a particular topic, that all have a bunch of views.

That tells you that there’s some diversity, that tells you that people are interested in that topic (it’s not just a “viral video” or “one hit wonder”). And, if they’re interested in that topic, they’ll buy the other things.

Looking for Clues Offline

If people buy it in stores and it’s information, they’ll probably buy it online. And vice-versa. This means you can go offline to find out what people will buy online. You can go into your local bookstore, and see what magazines are selling, you can see what books are selling. And, the books and the magazines that are selling, those are the same things, the same topics that will sell online.

Maybe you’re asking: “Well, how do I figure out what topics are selling?”

One way is to just go over to the magazine rack, and just sit down in front of the magazine rack all day long, and just take notes of which magazines are bing taken off the counter.

Which magazines are being taken off the counter?

Another thing you can do is watch which magazines people are reading and putting back. You may go to a local bookstore, and maybe 100 people buy magazines today, but maybe 1k people have looked at magazines, but they look at 6 magazines on a particular topic, but they only buy 1. You can use that and say, well, the other ones were castoffs, but if they’re on a related topic, they were interesting, and it allows you to grab at a lot more data really fast.

You could walk through the bookstore and you could say, well, which books have the bookstore bought 100 copies of, instead of 1 copy. Because, the bookstores are smart. And, they don’t tend to invest in 100 books, if they don’t think they can sell 98 of them. Or sell 50 of them, and remainder the other 50. They’re planning to sell a number of books if they bought it.

If you go into any bookstore on January 1st and you’re going to find books, and books, and more books on weight loss, and eating healthy.


Because on January 1st, people make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight and eat healthy.

What do they buy for the next 3 months? They buy books, and videos, and audios on how to lose weight. You can see that in the bookstore.

If you go to the bookstore 2 months before the election season, you’re going to discover that a bunch of the books are on election type topics, and the people, and the politics and that type of thing.

Those 2 ideas right there, give you proof that bookstores buy more books when they sell more on a topic.

So, now you can just go through your local bookstore, and look at topics that are featured, and get plenty of ideas for your next product.

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