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How to Make a Quick Recorded Product

Unless you’re really enjoy doing research, and few people do, this will be the part of product creation that you like the most. All the other steps – creating learning objectives, writing an overview, and describing the context – a preparatory in nature. But the real fun begins when you can teach people what you know; when you can help them to solve the very problem that your product was designed to solve.

Of course, when you’re creating something to sell, you have the added bonus of being paid for it. And while the money may be nice, it is simply a follow-on from creating something that people value. In other words, when they buy your product, then are telling you that they like what you have done for them. They are saying to you that they recognize the value that you’ve put it into it. And that is particularly satisfying for any teacher.

It’s the interplay of teaching and learning that really makes product creation a worthwhile activity.

Once you know what you’re going to teach, the final step is to teach it.

That may seem obvious, but it isn’t. However you decide to do it, you need to follow the outline of categories and the ideas that you created earlier in the process. If you don’t do these things, or you don’t follow their progression, then your product will be disjointed. The ideas won’t flow together. Your customers will find it difficult to follow what you’re doing, and that means they won’t be able to solve their problem.

If you’re a conscientious Internet marketer, then the thing that you’ll want more than anything else is to put value into the lives of others, and that means that you’’ll need to present your material in a particular way to make that happen. You won’t be able to dip in here and there, and then go back over something else. It will have to flow naturally. It will need to be presented logically and clearly.

If you discover that your topics, your categories, or ideas are in the “wrong” order, then you’ll want to think about how to fix the problem without recreating the information. That’s because you need to be able to create your products as quickly as possible. Maybe you’ll need to create a supplementary recording or provide some worksheets, or even a short report or eBook. Those things can actually make a product more valuable not less.

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