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Key Lessons Learned from a Decade of Successful Email Marketing

I’ve developed my email marketing strategy and discovered effective concepts through more than six years of testing out different email styles, testing open rates, click through rates and even testing in-depth concepts.  For example:

If someone reads a particular kind of email today, then three days later I launch something, are they more or less likely to buy during the launch?

I’ve tested everything!

The research that has gone into this is literally over six years of personal emailing.  On average I send an email a day in my autoresponder, and sometimes I also send a broadcast which means two emails in a given day. So, that’s an email a day over six plus years. That’s conservatively over 2000 emails of which I have tracked and studied many. In addition, many these emails were parts of sequences, and I have gone back and studied the sequences in detail.

What I’ve discovered in the course of doing this is something I believe no one else on this earth teaches.  I have found that there are a few people that do something similar, but it’s just the way they naturally email; they don’t teach it. Many of them are in different markets, so they would never teach this type of thing.  They just happen to do it because they’ve found that if they email this way they get more of a response from their list.

What I have done is create a blueprint (which I’ll share in the future), and I’ve discovered which emails really perform.

I’m not going to these emails out for you word-for-word because everyone is in a different niche.  Even if everybody that reads this is in the same niche, you would not want to compete with everyone else using the exact same emails in the exact same sequence saying the exact same thing. Having said that, I do want to give you enough to be able to write your own emails. I’m going to give you recommendations and proven best practices.

In future articles I’m going to give you the psychology of why we use each of these emails so that you’ll be able to see why we are putting these emails together a certain way. However, my disclaimer is: once you see this all written out and you study it, then you write your emails and you put them in your email campaign, you might begin to think, “Maybe I’ll move #4 to where email #5 is… Maybe on my list, based on my interaction with my list, the psychology is a little different. Maybe email #23 should go were email #2 is… etc.” You want to have total flexibility to say, “This is the recommended model, but maybe I’ll make some tweaks that might work better with my list”.

These are tried-and-true email types, and you should incorporate all of these into your marketing campaigns (over time):

  • Credibility email
  • Content email
  • Engagement email
  • Interactive email
  • Homework email
  • A question based email
  • A thought based email
  • Pre-launch emails
  • Launch emails
  • An announcement email
  • A post-launch email

This kind of like if you’re building a house, before you get your house built you’ll need to go to the architect and get a blueprint. You blueprint will have walls, where the plumbing goes, all the rooms laid out, everything a builder would need in order to complete the house. This is like that blueprint, just for your email business, and we’re going to go deeper and I’m going to also give you the psychology of this blueprint.  These email types are the core, and I’ll cover more details on practical strategy and needed components in upcoming articles.

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