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Right and Wrong Ways to Engage Your Prospects

Let’s say someone views a landing page, then our opt-in page (if it’s different than their initial landing page), and then they view the thank-you page immediately after. They view an immediate offer. And then they read 10 emails over the next 10 days. They read 3 different offers from you. They read various content emails. They read various sales emails. They may listen to you or watch you on a video. They may listen to an audio. The theme, the content, the topic, and the emotional tone, all the way through all of those elements needs to remain the same for us to have the highest level of engagement.

You may say “What is engagement?”

Engagement is all the way through. Engagement say looks at this: if you’ve viewed my landing page, who wants to go further? And the person who wants to go further, the percentage of people who want to go further, that’s our engagement. What are we asking them to do? If we’re asking them to make a purchase, well, that’s the engagement. If we’re asking them to make a free download, that’s the engagement. If we’re asking them to open 10 emails in a row, and get a certain open rate, that’s the engagement.

What’s our opening engagement? We want them to invest in our program.

It’s critical that all of these pieces fit together.

Here’s an example of how some people do this wrong – it will help you understand how to do it right. Let’s say a marketer is offering a download: “The 7 steps to doing XYZ.” But then they’re not sure that the people that are downloading “The 7 steps to do XYZ” are really interested in XYZ.

Maybe the prospects downloaded this because that’s what they found, but they’re really interested in ABC, DEF, or GHI. So in the first 10 days that they’re on the list, I’m going to suggest that they buy all 3 different types of programs.

Let’s take an example out of the fitness niche:

Someone downloads a free guide from your website: “The 7 Key Foods to Help You Cleanse.” But you’re thinking that some of the people who are downloading this also want to lose weight. Some also want to firm up. Some also want to get rid of some disease.
The problem is, you don’t know who they are. So you’re going to present all these different offers to them over the course of the next 10 days.

That creates confusion – it creates emotional confusion and consistency confusion.

However, if we were to make the assumption that if someone downloaded a free guide on “The 7 Key Foods to Help You Cleanse” that’s the topic they’re interested in, then the only topic we expose people to for the first 10 days (even the first 20 days) is cleansing. Conversion rates will likely go up with this approach because people begin to see you as being a cleanse expert. People want to learn from an expert. They want to buy from an expert.

Now, once they’ve made that 1st purchase, or after 20 to 30 days, when it’s obvious that they’re not going to make a purchase, then we might expose them to other interrelated topics and see what happens. Maybe we’ll generate some sales. Maybe someone will invest in a fitness item. At that point you say, “this is a buyer, they’ve bought a fitness item, now we can put them into a new funnel that promotes future fitness items.”

But it’s incredibly important that there’s a consistency. A topical consistency. And an emotional consistency. A tight niching from the beginning of our campaign, until the point we’ve determined that this person is not as interested as we thought that they were in that initial topic.

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