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The Pitfalls of Using Someone Else’s Email Script In Your Campaigns (and what to do instead)

Now I’m going to give you some ideas on how to build trust and develop a relationship with an email campaign over a 14 to 21 day period of time. This email campaign is designed to build a relationship and sell your coaching campaign or another product over the first 14 days of your funnel. This email campaign is also designed to build trust and a relationship over time so your list begins to interact with you.

My goal in this chapter is to give you the psychological background of building trust in a relationship and translate that into building trust relationships via email. I’m going to give you an overview on how you can build trust in a relationship with your subscribers using the psychological components, triggers, and elements of relationships. I’m also to give you some ideas on how you can structure an email campaign itself. However, I do want to try to keep this more on the understanding of why and how this works rather than scripting the exact emails for you. You can go back to the example sequence in Chapter 3 and plug these relationship components into the emails you’re writing for that sequence.

Here is why I won’t script them out, word for word.

If I script out the exact emails that you should send to every one of your subscribers then your email campaign won’t be effective. If it’s effective, it’s only going to be effective for very short period of time. Why is this? Because if everyone uses the same exact emails then you’ll be sending the exact same emails as your competition. This is not good. Even if you had the 20 perfect emails, if everyone began to use them, then they would no longer be the 20 perfect emails because the responsiveness will go down because your competition would have exposed your audience to them.

This is why it’s critical to understand the components that make up these emails so you can create unique and powerful emails based on these elements and triggers. Once you understand why they work, you’ll see why this is so powerful.
Additionally, when you have an email that used to perform well and is no longer performing well, you can take it out and replace it; use this knowledge to create another effective email.

Secondly, there’s no one-size-fits-all email campaign. Your first email is going to have different words in it than your competitor’s first email. A lot of this is going to depend upon what you offer, what your products are, what your coaching program is focused around, etc. Other differences include:

  • What is your target market?
  • What angle have you decided to use in your campaign to dominate the competition?
  • How are you different?  How are you unique compared to the competition?

Ideally, I would like people to ask, “How can I build trust and a relationship with my subscribers?” But the question that I usually get is how to write an email campaign. The line of thinking goes a little bit like this:

“What do I write in my emails? People have told me that I need to write content emails, and sales emails. How many content emails should I write, and how many sales email should I write?”  These the same questions I asked when I first began. These are the clear questions. When you do a little research online you begin to ask yourself these things because that’s the idea that’s being sold to us.

Our goal is not to write a content email campaign, a sales based email campaign, a 75% or 25% sales and content campaign, because people buy based on trust.  They don’t buy because the cute fancy words in your sales letter. People buy a based on trust not because you have added a few extra bullet points are highlighted a few words, such as the promise of your sales letter.

People buy because they trust you and because they have a need – we’ve talked about this before.  You have the answer and they trust you to provide this answer to them. In order for us to build a campaign that develops trust and relationship, we must first attract people that need what we have. From here, we will build the relationship.

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