Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Why Your Subscribers Need to Trust You

Humans create relationships. We bond with our parents.  We make friends.  We start learning to create relationships even as children, and keep doing it as we get older.

In digital marketing the most widely used example of this is dating; you would not ask someone to marry you on the first date. There are a number of things that happen in order for this to naturally take place. There’s a relationship-building process that occurs.

The process of building a relationship online with your list is almost the exact same in terms of the psychology. You have to get to know people and they have to trust you. They have to believe that you’re credible, then they have to get to the place where working with you and buying from you “feels right.” Let me repeat this: people have to get to the place where things feel right. I’m about to make a statement and I’m not sure if anyone has ever said this before:

Online, the market spend so much time trying to figure out the perfect words… they say: “If you use these words, people will buy. So, if you use these words on your sales page or your email or on any campaign that you’re running, they’ll buy.” As a result we find these overstuffed sales letters that are full of all of these hyper, hypnotic, NLP persuasive psychobabble that’s supposed to make people buy. I don’t know about you, but when I get to a sales letter like that, I skim over all the psychobabble and a look at the modules to find out exactly what I’m going to learn and then I find out how much the product is!

Think about it: we see so much in marketing about the optimal words to use. People spend so much time on their sales letters, getting their sales letters to convert better and better and better on people who don’t trust them yet. Think about that, people spend so much time optimizing their sales letters for people who don’t trust them.

Prospects don’t trust them yet, because so many times, people do their marketing to somebody else’s list or they’re advertising a sales letter to a cold market.

If you think about it, whenever you’re trying to sell to that cold market, then yes, the more you optimize those words, the more likely you’re going to get a conversion. But keep in mind that you’re getting a higher conversion rate to people who don’t trust you yet.

Imagine if you were to take that same sales page, and tone it down a little bit, or even use an un-optimized sales page and just tell people about whatever it’s that you have, using the traditional “formula”:

  • Here is the problem
  • Here is what I have
  • Here is why I am qualified to teach this
  • Here is how you purchase

Or you could have a fully optimized page.

But don’t try to push it on people that don’t fully trust you yet.   Instead, when someone comes onto your list, spend 5-10 days establishing trust and credibility before you hard pitch them something.  Now, what is going to happen to your conversion rates? They’ll go up. This is true whether we have a fully optimized webpage where you use a traditional formula (just like the one I listed above). Our conversions are going to go up. Why? Because they trust us.

People buy based on trust and relationship, not based on fancy words on a sales page. (Read that again and again)

Having said that, obviously there are some standards that you need to have, and there’s some basic language that you need to have on your sales page in order to help it to convert for you. You’ll never be able to get away from this foundational truth, however.

When someone sees your sales page and they trust you, you’re always in a better position.

Traditional marketing tries to optimize those pages to people who don’t trust yet, which is simply not as effective as this blueprint. What I have discovered, and what I use now in my marketing, is this process (which I spent years learning). When you look back 10 or 15 years before I marketed online, I spent almost all my time studying communication.  In fact, I have been listening to communication tapes since the age of 12. I was learning communication skills and learning how to communicate effectively with people. When I boiled down all that study into email marketing, I developed a 21 day pattern that says:

We want to bring the prospect to a point where they trust us first, and once they trust us we don’t have to work so hard in order for them to buy from us.

We’re going to build trust via email. The reason we’re going to do it via email is because it’s very easy to systematize. For example, by using emails, we can implement a system that starts on a certain day and progress from there as we build a relationship with each person on our list.  Every single day, we’re going to draw a little closer to our list relationally until the time comes when they trust us enough, they trust us more than they trust anybody else that’s emailing them in a specific niche. When they trust you more than anyone else in your niche, who are they more than likely to buy from? It’s the person who they trust the most.

Think about it, when you buy, who do you buy from when you have choices? You’ll more than likely buy from someone that you like and trust; you believe that will be able to help you. You must get the people on your email campaign to trust you more than anyone else.

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