Introduction: 90 Day Viral Innovative Business
In the next 90 days, you are I are going to be working closely together to strategize, innovate, and launch your innovative, viral business.
This isn’t going to be easy, or easy-street, and is going to require an amazing learning curve and dedicated focus on the goal.
Now, I am going to guide you to build the business step by step so that it is personalized to you, and I’m also going to share with you amazing background training so that you know what your options are as you design your business.
The very first step I’d like to do is to fully understand YOUR dream business . . . what does YOUR DREAM BUSINESS look like . . . .
So before I send you any ideas, give you any instruction, and start helping you plan your business, I’d like you to answer these questions as detailed as possible, and put them in a word doc or pdf and send them to me (that will become your working document over the next 90 days as you track what we do together):
Part 1 (So I understand your big idea):
1) What exactly is your Big Dream Business?
2) Why do you believe it should be viral, go viral, and change thousands or millions of lives?
3) How will your BIG IDEA change lives?
4) How is it different (or similar) to other web businesses that do something similar?
5) What will be included in your BIG BUSINESS dream site?
6) Please tell me anything and everything else about what you dream about in your business
Part 2 (So I understand what your weaknesses are so we can work with/around them):
7) What challenges have you faced in the past in trying to implement your BIG DREAM?
8) If you have never started, why not? What held you back?
9) If you have started, but failed or stalled, what happened?
10) What do you see as your 3 biggest weaknesses?
11) How do those weaknesses stunt your growth?
Part 3: (So we can begin designing your business fast!):
12) Who desperately NEEDS what you are going to teach, share, or sell?
13) Why do they need it from YOU and no one else?
14) Is anyone else doing exactly the same thing?
15) How is YOUR solution different or better than everyone else who teaches what you want to?
16) How is YOUR solution going to change people’s lives?
17) Is your solution simpler or more complex than the existing solutions?
18) Do you want to be the LEADER in your business concept, or just go along with everyone else and get by?
19) Did you make MORE revenue last year online than the year before?
20) Are you already selling your solution in a smaller form, but you want to go big and viral now?
21) If so, how many units do you sell each month, and at what price each?
22) Do you have an enthusiastic fan base to whom you can tell about your great idea? If so, what is that fan base, and how many are in it?
23) If you KNOW you can change lives, but haven’t been able to, what are the top 3 things that have stopped you from doing it?
24) Do you want to follow a proven model, or do you want to re-invent the wheel?
25) On a scale of 1-10, how bad do you want to change the world with your solution?
26) On a scale of 1-10, how bad to you want to make $100k this year with your solution?
27) How hard are you willing to work to make it happen?
28) What are you willing to drop or get rid of to make $100k this year changing the world with your solution?
29) What will be the 3 biggest things that would change in your life if you get this viral innovative business off the ground?
30) Final question (yahoo!!) – what is going to be the BEST PART about working with me on this?
ok, answer these in detail, put them in a word doc or pdf and shoot them over to me . .
P.S. Have these questions already given you an amazing clarity??