Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Teleseminar Selling, Conv Copywriting, and High Ticket

Congratulations! You have chosen an incredible-value package that will
position you to enter the teleseminar selling niche as an expert!Access here:

Download Pages:

Here are the download pages to the trainings themselves:

==>Teleseminar Selling System

==>Conversational Copywriting Training Program

==>High Ticket Selling System

==>Coaching Program Home Study Course

Note: as I said on the sales page, you will need to download the
individual  training material on each page and create your own
download pages

These are the rights:
Rerecord, purpose, recreate in any way with your name or your name + my name in any way

can resell only at $300 or more for the high ticket selling system and
at $187 or more for the coaching program home study course. These CANNOT
be included in membership sites.

The sales letters below to my coaching programs do NOT include resale rights, they are for your use only.

make it easy to get
started, start by listening to each training – and important! – take
notes! This way you can easily create your own training when you are
ready (even if right now you don’t think you’ll want to, after listening
to the training, you may change your mind, and if you’ve taken detailed
notes, it will make it really easy to create your OWN training right
from my notes!

Coaching Program Sales letters:

are the 3 sales letters I promised on the sales letter: my coaching
program sales letter, my Round Table Mastermind sales letter ($297 a
month) and my original application sales letter

==>Round Table Mastermind Sales Letter

==>Coaching Program Sales Letter (with addendum training)

==>Coaching Program Sales Letter (zip file with sales letter only)

==>Coaching Program Application System (note
this is my original letter, it sold very well, but is a bit time
intensive, and totally needs to be re-written for YOUR needs (it’s a
highly personal letter; I believe that’s one reason it does so well). In
my own marketing, I replaced it with the Coaching Program Sales Letter
above, but again, I’ve included it because the psychology in the
explanation doc is powerful, and conversion rates for newer coaches tend
to be very high because of the personalization that can be done (but is
nearly impossible for coaches with fuller schedules).

Coaching Program Lessons:

==>Coaching Program Lessons


Bonus: Sales letters sequence to the Conversational Copywriting Training Program (note, there is no sales letter for the teleseminar selling system, as I’ve never sold it via sales letter):

first letter I mailed one day before the launch, it did not contain a
sales button, but instead a sign up so they could get on an “early bird”

==>Conversational Copywriting Initial Sales Letter

The second letter was the day I launched:

==>Conversational Copywriting Early Bird Sales Letter

also created, but never used, a direct-buy page. The conversions on the
‘sequence” were so strong I never decided to test the stand-alone

==>Conversational Copywriting Stand-alone Sales Letter (untested)

Additional Bonus: PLR to the Automation Marketing Training Program:

Automation Marketing Training Program

Sean Mize, author of ==>Anyone Can Coach

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