Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Coaching Program Lessons Plus Big Clicks Download

Step 1:

Download the Big Click Subject Lines Package:

Big Click Subject Lines Package

Step 2:

Access to the 60 Coaching Program Lessons You Can Study Sequentially for
Great Results, or Use as a guide to create your own coaching program

==>Coaching Program Lessons

Here are the terms: You can use these lessons as is (just upload to your
site and put them on your own download pages), you can re-record in
your own voice and use them as your own, and you can use them as a guide
to creating your own lessons.

You cannot resell the lessons in a package like this, you don’t have any
kind of resale rights to the lessons, you can’t resell them on another
site – these are strictly for YOUR own use in YOUR coaching program.

This page will get you to the lessons:

==>Coaching Program Lessons

There are about 8 or 10 lessons on each page, I recommend in download
each lesson training and copy and paste the lesson direction on each
page onto a page on your own website (you can create a blog post for
each lesson, then protect the lesson using membership software)

To your success,

Sean Mize and Jason Parker

Anyone Can Coach

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