All IM Trainings Plus PLR, Coaching Programs, Wsos, and Sales Letters
Congratulations! You have chosen an incredible-value package that will take your marketing to the next level!
Access here:
The training programs plus PLR and Coaching Programs:
==>Master List of IM Training Programs Includes Coaching Program Lessons and Sales Letter)
==> Blueprint Training Program
==>High Ticket/Coaching Program Training
==>Teleseminar Selling and Conversational Copywriting
==>Round Table Mastermind Coaching Lessons and Salesletter
==> Best of the Best (Advanced Training)
==> Best of the Best 2nd Level (Advanced)
The Wsos including PLR to all:
The wso download pages are listed in 5 places, the newest ones first, then the older ones.
Download Pages:
The wso download pages are listed in several places, the newest ones first, then the older ones.
==>Bonus WSOs
==>Newest WSOS (Dec)
==>Newest WSOs (prior to Oct)
==>WSOS before Newest
==>Oldest Released WSOs
Note: as I said on the sales page, you will need to download the
individual wso training material on each page and create your own
download pages, and because these are not static html pages, you won’t
be able to just copy the source code –
To make it easy to get
started, just choose the few you want to start marketing with, maybe
choose one to put on udemy or jvzoo and take action, do that one first.
When I launched these, I created them one at a time, uploaded them one
at a time, not all at once. You’ll do the same thing, just upload each
as you need it for a launch. And of course, you can always study from
some of them as well!
Sales letters:
As I mentioned on the sales letter for this offer, I’m a typical
entrepreneur, and I’m not totally organized. So when I wrote the sales
letters for the WF, I would simply copy and paste the BB code into a
text file, name it something I thought was relevant (even do that???)
and hoped I never needed it. And I never realized I would do this kind
of offer for sure . . . so it’s a big messy.
I’ve zipped
everything up, in a few different files, and named them according to
about what’s in there. If you aren’t used to BB code, go to the Warrior
Forum, create a test blog page, copy and paste the BB code in there,
then preview (or use their sandbox). Then you should be able to copy and
paste the resultant page content into a Word file –
Ok, here goes:
WSO Sales Letters:
==>This contains my most recent, these are html
==>This is the bulk of the BB code sales letters
==>This contains some more sales letters, might contain some useless files too
==>This contains most of the upsell sales pages
Non-Wso (Regular Trainings) Sales Letters:
==> This zip file contains the non-wso (regular trainings) sales letters
Note: there are about 70 sales letters there. I never intended them to be in one file, so to create that file I had to go through each product folder and copy them over – so there might be a few letters that are very similar, perhaps for basically the same product. But most if not all are unique. Also, some sales letters may be for products never created, or delivered live etc. It’s not a perfect file, but if you read the sales letters, you will get some real ideas for how to create spins on what you do, and how to write compelling sales letters about many times, boring products!!
Also, when I promised all the letters, I forgot some were on wp sites, so I don’t have html for them, you’ll simply have to view them on the sites, here are the links:
High Performance Email Campaign
I trust you are going to extract maximum value out of this package, and want to see you take your business to amazing levels in 2015!!!!
Sean Mize, author of ==>Anyone Can Coach