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I try to get to working on my online business first thing in the morning, when I feel the most productive/creative.
Diet/exercise – The better I am with eating healthy, the more productive I am. Weird how that works.
I learned from another IM expert about keeping track of your progress during the day while you work. Almost like a time sheet. Segment your day in 15 minute chunks and write down what you did for each part. That way, you can look back and see if your results reflect the amount of time you put in. If not, you’re almost certainly wasting it on other things (which you can clearly track, if you’re being honest), or don’t have a clear sense of direction during the time you are putting in “working”. I find I don’t need to do this as much anymore, but when I’m being particularly non-productive, it is something I fall back on.
I also find it helpful to block out my day in my planner, even the time I’m working from home. Like, “1:00-2:00 : Record video #2 for membership site.” Then it’s on my calendar and I want to be able to check it off to say I got it done. I also try to take that time seriously. If it’s written down there, do it…It’s not the time to check Facebook or watch YouTube videos.
Also, I try (when possible) to plan the following day’s “to do” list the night before. I list everything I can think of, then narrow it down to the top 3 (in order) that I need to get done. After doing those, anything else I can get done on top of that is a bonus.
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