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A question for all affiliate marketers:

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Malik Ahmad 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #382

    Suzanne Sukhram

    I am signed up to be an affiliate with several sites, but I promote only the products I believe in and have personal experience with. The folks who make a great income (or say they do) seem to promote things that have good commissions, or that have contests attached, especially in the IM world. I prefer to not promote something I have not used. Does this limit my recommendations, and therefore my income? Sure. But when I do promote something, folks respect that recommendation.

  • #393

    Norma Allen

    Hi Claire. I’ve had some success with affiliate marketing, mostly promoting PLR products. There are two things that stand out.

    One is that you need to be super organized. I used to use a spreadsheet for this but now I use Airtable – – which is a free online database program with paid options. (And yes, that’s an affiliate link, but you can use it for free.)

    The second thing is that you need to be consistent in your mailing to get the best results. I have had eye trouble and had to take a break and my list lost some of its responsiveness. Snooze, you lose out.

    I agree with Suzanne about promoting only the best from the most ethical producers. It just makes sense.

    All the best,

    Norma Esler

    Norma Esler

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  • #397

    Don Sturgill

    I sign up as an affiliate for programs/people I am 100% behind and use myself. When asked for a recommendation for that product or service, I provide my affiliate link (openly). The income is a nice addition (at the highest, a few hundred a month), but it’s not my focus. I do see how it could be lucrative, but my primary aim is to develop my own products instead of selling for others. Depends on your business model, I reckon.

  • #648

    Bruce Hoag

    I, too, have affiliate links, but have never made anything from them.

    It seems to me that their success depends on that famous list.

    You can offer your products, the products of others, or both; but you have to have a list to do it.

    I do agree, however, with the comments of others who have said that they’ll only offer products they’ve used and believe in.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #897

    Over the years, I have occasionally used affiliate links on Facebook and Twitter, but it’s never worked out for me. I do believe in the products that I have attempted to promote, however. But it’s true that affiliate products are not exactly where my heart is. Thanks, Norma, for the link… I will check it out!

    ♥ Coach Claire

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    • #902

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Claire,

      You seem a lot like me. I ask a question when deep down I really know the answer.

      But maybe you, like me , like to get what we really think re-affirmed by others. I believe this community will be a boon for us in that aspect.

      But if I have guessed you all wrong, please feel free to pour scorn onto my theorizing.

      The answer to you affiliate question, I feel, is that you are not really interested in that method of marketing. So I would focus on the methods you are really passionate about.

      Maybe in the future, when you have gained more experience, you can add affiliate marketing to your tool box. And because of the other successes, you will have generated by that time, you might then find it a useful addition to your skill set. You can use it to raise quickly raise cash for your own business while also helping your clients by offering them something you truly believe in, but that happens to come from a third party.

  • #2060

    Tina Fletcher

    I do affiliate marketing in several niches and depending on if there is a high ticket launch I can do okay. Mainly it is just cream money on side, but I am going to take it a step further over the next year and I know there are some valuable tools I can promote which will compliment my product and allow me to keep the prices down on my product so I can reach my target market.
    Depending on what niche you are in there a quite a few place to find good quality products you can promote.
    Here’s a couple I know of:
    – is good for lots of niches and usually you get good information from the vendor
    – is good mainly for internet marketers but there are other products as well
    – is for IM product launches
    – – just seen this one haven’t checked it out
    – – digital marketing

    Also there are places such as – that promote their own affiliates and many more

    I think the first things is to find products that work with your audience and then if it benefits them why not tell them about it?

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  • #2063

    Malik Ahmad

    I do promote affiliate offers. I only promote a handful of affiliate offers and most of which are membership sites (residual income) and high ticket between $400-$1000 commission.

    These programs are in my sales funnel as up sells and down sells, until I get my own coaching and membership programs.

    I generally promote these programs buy using product launches, emailing my list, YouTube, and Instagram.

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