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A "Sensitive" Question

Home Page Forums Ask Anything A "Sensitive" Question

This topic contains 26 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #3892

    Bruce Hoag

    This is a “sensitive” question.

    By that I mean that there’s a risk that I’ll offend people, and I don’t want to do that.

    It’s my impression, rightly or wrongly, that all of us – myself included – are holding back in this forum.

    That we’re not quite ready to participate fully.

    Do you feel this, or is it just me?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #3893

    Malik Ahmad

    I sense people are holding back a little, maybe waiting to see what becomes of this site or busy on their other projects.

    I noticed the lull in activity after the contest concluded.

    Since I have a full time job, I set a goal of at least five posts or responses a day.

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    • #3980

      Bob Moore

      I like Malik’s response. I think there was a huge interest in people adding responses once they joined the site. That’s normal. We’re excited. It’s new and people want to get involved. Cool. People want to get in the game.

      Then we start to realize that life gets in the way. Hey, it happened to me.

      I’m in it for the long haul.

      I hope to be in it with all of you.

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  • #3897

    Julia Rotgers

    Holding back in what way, Bruce?

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    • #3908

      Bruce Hoag

      Not entirely sure, Julia.

      Partly what Malik referred to.

      Seems like a lot more people were active in the first 10 days than have been of late; but it’s also what he said about waiting to see what happens next.

      I’m sure that there’s more to come, but I can’t help feeling that we aren’t doing more with what we have.


      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #3898

    Tina Fletcher

    I think people are holding back, but it maybe also not sure what to write. I think when we start having some accountability it may help because then everyone is working together towards a common goal.
    I also believe because you don’t get notified when someone answers you or replies to same post that people tend to get busy and not ‘just simply get to it”.

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    • #3902

      Julia Rotgers

      I wish I could up-vote that Tina!

      I’d like to know if a thread receives a reply and be able to @ someone if I want their input.
      Not sure if that’s do-able or a good idea as the group gets larger but it would help in following the threads.

      I’m having difficulty even searching my own threads, it’s like they disappeared when the other topic thread changed.

      All this being said, I do find people are sharing well thought out answers for the most part.

      As a whole, it feels like we’re starting to shift gears. Going from the initial push to fill the forum up with topics to a place that can be genuinely helpful.

      Also, some people will hold back if there are not clear guidelines.
      For instance, when Sean quoted from another thread (How do you stay motivated when you aren’t making any money?), it took me a little off guard;

      If you are doing things that DON’T lead to your goal . . . anything that doesn’t lead to it . . anything outside of:

      create squeeze page
      create products
      write a daily email
      tell everyone possible about your squeeze page

      If you are doing things outside of that and hoping they’ll give you the same results . . . they won’t!

      the whole idea here is to encourage you and encourage others and for others to encourage each other – to do THOSE steps and share your work to help you stay motivated to stay on track and do those 4 steps!

      I added the bold for emphasis and maybe I took it out of context.

      I do know that we can be all over the place 🙂

      Maybe an introduction and “Get Started Here, This is How the Place Works” is in order.

      I know that another paid forum I was a part of for years was only open to former students of the training.
      This led naturally to conversations around the core topics.

      Have You Been Struggling, Thinking You Don't Have Enough Time To Build Your Business???
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    • #3903

      Dana Cassell

      I agree with you both – sometimes I can find a prior comment to continue following, but other times it takes awhile, and I am finding it difficult to always make the time. As I’m sure others find, certain parts of the month have deadlines that make participating in any group difficult, so when one can get back to the forum, newer threads or those most recently added tend to get the attention.

      I had planned to make 3 comments or replies per day, but have fallen down due to deadlines. Once past this month’s newsletter deadline, will try to embed it more into my routine so next month’s newsletter doesn’t wipe it out entirely.

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    • #3910

      Bruce Hoag

      And have you noticed, Dana, that when there’s less participation that it’s harder to comment?

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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    • #3914

      Dana Cassell

      Hadn’t noticed that, Bruce, but perhaps you’ve a point.

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    • #3915

      Bruce Hoag

      One way that you can keep track of the threads that interest you, Julia, is to click Favorite, which is on the top, right side of the original post.

      The word Favorite will change to Favorited.

      Then on the Pal Core Access page, if you scroll to the bottom, you can click on the Favorites link. You’ll then see a list of all the threads that interest you.

      It’s pretty clever.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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    • #3987

      Jan Sandhouse Hurst

      Could it be the time of year?

      I agree with Julia’s suggestion:

      I’d like to know if a thread receives a reply and be able to @ someone if I want their input.
      Not sure if that’s do-able or a good idea as the group gets larger but it would help in following the threads.

      I will try Bruce’s “favorite” suggestion too.

      It may be that people are just naturally more distracted with additional holiday obligations this time of year. In addition, many of us may be trying to finish 2017 with a strong effort, and planning for a strong kickoff to 2018.

      Maybe a challenge from time to time will motivate everyone to join in, even for a short time. But like every group, there will be people who are more active than others.

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    • #3909

      Bruce Hoag

      I haven’t tried this myself, Tina, but there’s a “favorite” link on the right side of all original posts.

      Perhaps if we click on that, we can then go to the Access page and click on the link for our favorites. Then all of the conversations that interest us will be in one list, and we’ll be able to see if anyone has answered.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #3921

    I have noticed that there are 100+ members here, but only a handful who seem to post regularly. Could be that “80/20” principle you’ve alluded to, Bruce? 😉

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    • #3925

      Bruce Hoag

      There is some of that, Jen. But in the first 10 days, nearly everyone was participating almost every day. Now it’s down to about a dozen; maybe less.

      Some have dropped off the radar altogether.

      One thing I’ve noticed with myself, and maybe this is true of others, is that as I get to know people there are some that I really connect with.

      A couple of weeks ago, some of us were talking about forming into Master Mind groups, and I can see already that if such groups were created, there are certain people that I would like to be with.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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    • #3955

      That makes sense. I came in about 2 weeks in, so I missed some of the initial activity.

      The mastermind groups are an interesting idea, but I can see where it might create a challenge to get those who stopped/never started interacting to not feel somehow isolated from the group as a result…I guess it would depend on how they are put together. For all I know, it could provide more incentive to interact. Again, I came in late, so I missed the initial discussion, but would be interested in learning more!

      I think it’s natural to “click” with some more than others, whether it’s an in-person setting or an online group like this.

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    • #4035

      Bruce Hoag

      I agree, Jen, that it’s possible for some people to feel left behind; but if we’re in MM groups, that shouldn’t prevent us from interacting with others in the forum.

      It will just mean that we get to know some people a lot better because we have regular contact with them.

      It’s a bit like house groups in a church. You get to know those in your house group better than others, but you still see everyone else on Sundays and at the prayer meetings/Bible studies.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #3960

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi Bruce,

    I tend to go along with most of what you say. And others on this thread have also made very valid points.

    But I would like to add that we are not all professional writers, such as yourself. This is not to pick at you in any way, shape or form. You add enormous amounts of wisdom and learning to the group. We all owe you a huge debt, including Sean himself.

    But you obviously love writing, while for others it is far more of a chore.

    I am somewhere in between, when it comes to tinkling my keyboard, but I freely admit I sometimes feel somewhat intimidated by several, very generous people within our group. Mostly because they already have businesses up and running. Of course they want to do better, and they want to help. I roundly applaud that, but they are so far ahead of a good many of us, including myself, that sometimes “others” and certainly “I”, don’t always feel qualified to challenge your own, obvious expertise and that of several others.

    That being said, this group is exceptionally lucky to have you in its midst. You have certainly given me much food for thought in a relatively short period of time.

    On occasion you have politely questioned an element of what I have said, and after thinking about it I have then gone on to re-phrase a comment to get my point over in a clearer way. So thank you for that.

    But as a Professional Writer and an experienced proof reader you are again way ahead of the majority of us.

    I try to contribute where I can, within the group. But I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud, because I don’t have the solid experience and success that you, and several others, have to fall back upon.

    I am determined to succeed, but to do that I may have to become a little more single minded myself… until I get to a point whereby I can be of more help to the group in general. By that I mean getting my finger out, and knuckling down to laying the foundations of my business ideas.

    Until that time I rely upon the swirling theories within my head, and life experiences to compete with you pros.

    Finally!… there was always going to be a lull after the initial week or so of PreneurPal launching. It’s still very much a work in progress. I suggest that if we revisit this situation in a year’s time it might give us real, solid evidence, and insight into just how valuable this group will…hopefully.. have become.

    In the meantime the site. I am sure, can be developed further. Communication between individuals made easier. And Work groups and Mastermind groups given the green light. But most of all, I feel, confidence should be nurtured in those who feel they are not qualified to contribute… or gentle encouragement given to those of us whose initial enthusiasm for the PreneurPal project has begun to wane.

    We all need a pick me up from time to time!! Don’t you think?

    Please feel free to comment further on my jabberings:)

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    • #4002

      Susan Parnaby

      Proofreading in posts on the forum is easier if you use the grammerly add-on or extension for your browser. It catches enough of my mistakes to make what I write readable. Actually, it works on anything you type into your browser, WordPress posts, email in your autoresponder.

      God's Lily is "a voice for those frustrated by the slow progress towards a fair society where the needs of the weakest are met in a way that it strengthens them rather than weakens them further" . If that includes you then hop on over and have a look around. If you like what you see it would be a good idea to sign up to receive our blog broadcasts. Oh and you will get a couple of pdf files that explain the what and why behind the site when

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    • #4036

      Bruce Hoag

      Thanks for your well-thought-out and precise response, Les.

      You’re right that it’s easy for me to express my thoughts in this forum, and it warms my heart to hear that you’re benefiting from what I say.

      I just need to – and I can’t think of the word that Jeeves would use, so I’ll explain it instead – let you know that I’m nothing like the success that you think I am.

      True, I have a bit more education than many people, and have a few successes here and there, but I’ve been trying to create a business that would enable me to self-sufficient for 26 years. If ever make it, then I know what the title of the next book will be: The 2x-Year Apprentice: What Took So Long?

      The biggest challenge that I’ve faced for all those years is not knowing how to codify what I know and understand.

      I’ve never had a list that was big enough to ask people what they needed either.

      So now you know.

      That you and others have benefited from some of what I’ve said tells me I need to keep doing it.

      And that’s an encouragement in itself.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #3978

    No one delivers as much value as Sean! And that's why Sean's my coach

    Bruce, I think it’s very important to make PreneurPal a place for everyone, no matter what their level of expertise. I know a few of you experts have gotten quite clicky lately, but to exclude newbies from whatever masterminds you would form here should not be the spirit of this forum.

    Clearly, you have firmly established your expertise here at PreneurPal and if anyone one of us newbies (or experts) ever need a ghostwriter, we know you’re the guy to contact.

    I, myself, am still trying to establish a mere schedule for myself so that I can begin to build my online business from scratch. It’s a very scary thing for me and so many others unlike yourself, Bruce, so we’d really appreciate having access to as much information and trainings as possible. Sean’s trainings have inspired me to take more action than I have ever taken in modern times, so I really wish he would put back more of what he initially posted. And, Bruce, I really hope it wasn’t you or any of our other resident experts who convinced him to take so much of it down! However, I do agree that the new format is so much easier to read.

    As for forum threads, it would be rather helpful to be notified when someone responds to our comments and questions. I rarely ever see anyone’s response to what I write unless I look for it. I will try to look into the “favorite” feature that you point out, Bruce.

    When PreneurPal first launched, I, a non-expert, was so active here because I needed to win the $100 – money I really could have used. If only I had understood that I was just 2 questions behind Scott, I could have easily won that $100, too, since Scott was not online at the end of the contest. Unlike Scott, I don’t yet have any online income.

    When I finally get my schedule together, I will definitely make it a point of writing in here everyday. It is my intention to be as active as possible at PreneurPal and I’m sure that is also the intention of most others here.

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  • #4003

    Susan Parnaby

    My first thought was is meant by holding back? There are two possibilities for me. One is holding back in terms of level or depth of the content i.e. quality. The other is holding back in the number of posts or replies made i.e. quantity.

    I am someone who does not find routine easy. I don’t even remember to say what do you want me to do today God every day. Those are the days when I wander off and do my own thing and forget to do something important. Of course, there is some overlap but they are not always identical.

    One of the things that has fallen off my list of jobs some days is checking PreneurPal. It is easy with Facebook as I get notifications from some groups via email. It is easy to get updates on Periscope as they come through on my phone. I do keep PreneurPal open in a browser tab as a reminder which has helped me to come back as when I review what tabs are open I find it again.

    I suppose it is an issue of jogging my memory and pulling PreneurPal back to the top of my mind.

    God's Lily is "a voice for those frustrated by the slow progress towards a fair society where the needs of the weakest are met in a way that it strengthens them rather than weakens them further" . If that includes you then hop on over and have a look around. If you like what you see it would be a good idea to sign up to receive our blog broadcasts. Oh and you will get a couple of pdf files that explain the what and why behind the site when

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    • #4039

      Bruce Hoag

      The thing that will help you more than anything else, Susan, is to write down your desired routine.

      During one of your “better” moments, create a schedule.

      It doesn’t have to be rigid, but it does need to list the things that you’ll do on each day with some times assigned to them.

      Creative people, and especially those who are home all the time, need routines.

      Otherwise, we drift.

      This has happened to me more often than I’d like to admit.

      You’ll have to revise your schedule periodically, and that’s okay; but whatever you come up with, try to stick to it.

      And don’t let yourself off of the hook.

      If you’re like me, then there will be days when you “don’t feel like it.”

      The thing is that it’s so easy to get to where you don’t feel like on any day.

      A routine will give you some structure to your day, and I think that that will help you a lot. 🙂

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #4050

    Sean Mize

    Folks, I want to weigh in here . . I love the avid discussion in this thread!

    I would agree that there’s many different ways folks interact and engage . . and some may be more vocal than others, or more prolific.

    And I would also suggest that my experience says that sometimes the turtles win over the hares . . .

    so if you feel daunted by some of the more prolific posters here . . . stay the course!

    Focus on your own growth, and attempt to help 5 people a day . . .

    there WILL be a spreading spoke-like effect that happens . . .

    and EVERYONE can help and contribute!!


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