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A Unique Perspective

Home Page Forums Post Anything A Unique Perspective

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 6 years, 10 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #4243

    Sean Mize

    What is your unique perspective?

    You see, it’s easy to think about your niche or the people you help, the way others think.

    But you aren’t others.

    You are you.

    And if what others were doing was meeting the needs, you wouldn’t be needed.

    YOUR solution wouldn’t be needed.

    So since you are believing your solution is needed, by default you therefore believe that your solution is something others’ aren’t, right?

    So if that’s the case . . what is your unique perspective?

    You see, having a unique perspective allows folks to decide if they like you are not, if they want to follow you or not.

    But if you are just like everyone else, there is no reason to follow you or not to follow you . . .

    Instead you are just lukewarm.

    But having a unique perspective makes you hot or cold, not lukewarm.

    What is your unique perspective?


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  • Author
  • #4282

    Tina Fletcher

    This is the bit I am struggling with at the moment to not seem the same as everyone else. I a bit of a challenge 🙂

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  • #4290

    Bruce Hoag

    Good question, Sean.

    All I know is that I’m unique.

    You know that, too, and not just because God created unique people.

    I really do think very differently from most people. And the questions – always the questions. 😉

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #5154

    I was struggling quite a bit with this. I had the idea to help others with insomnia, having dealt with it pretty extensively myself. But there are tons of sites out there that deal with that topic already.

    In the case of IM, it’s not always what product is better or different than others, but what about YOU is different or better, to make others want to buy from you, vs. the other 100 marketers they hear from daily.

    In my case, it was the realization that I can use my knowledge (and my clinical title) to set myself apart as some sort of “expert” (I don’t like referring to myself as such, but people respond best to it); combined with teaching a cognitive technique not taught by a layperson.

    I Use Reviews
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    • #5194

      Bruce Hoag

      Even though there are a lot of sites on the Internet already about insomnia, Jen, wouldn’t you agree that it’s still a problem?

      If that’s the case, then there has to be a reason. Maybe there’s more than one reason.

      I know a lady, for instance, who hasn’t been able to sleep without medication for 20 years. When her husband died, her ability to sleep naturally also died. She tells me that just as she’s about to drop off, she suddenly jerks, and that wakes her up.

      It’s also widely recognized that most Americans are sleep-deprived. They work long hours. They try to do too much. They have long commutes. Whatever the reason.

      If you can create a solution that will help people to sleep better and more easily, then you’ll make all the sites that have failed to do this obsolete.

      You can disrupt an entire industry if you can find a solution.

      Now it could be that the solution has already been found, and that the problem is one of implementation.

      If that’s the case, then you’ll need to develop a method to deal with that as well.

      Whatever you do, however: If it works, if it enables people to sleep, then you’ll be onto a winner.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #5196

      Yes! The experience of jerking awake right before dozing off sounds all too familiar to me. It used to be infuriating for me when that would happen!!

      As far as my approach – it is very “back to basics,” and can be mostly summed up as, “wean yourself off sleeping pills, stop eating artificial junk, exercise early in the day, drink real water, decrease stress by using stress reduction techniques, and practice good sleep hygiene”. On top of practicing the cognitive techniques, of course – which many people actually have to get up and go to therapy to learn. Nothing earth-shattering, but also quite unique, as far as what else I’ve seen packaged. As you point out, in today’s society, the lifestyle changes are hard to do. But CAN they be done, at least to a degree, if you’re determined enough to get good sleep? Yes!

      I can’t claim to permanently “cure” problem of insomnia, but I can certainly provide help, IF the person is willing to actually take the steps. That’s key, and as you know, implementation is half the battle…getting the person to even TRY something different! I see it more as a lifestyle than a quick fix.

      Think about the advice usually given on losing weight. You can “diet,” or you can try to do overall lifestyle changes that are conducive to weight loss. A diet gives temporary results. A lifestyle is something you try to attain. You fall off the wagon, you go back to practicing the basic techniques and get back on. That’s the value (as I see it) of having a membership site, where you have others at various stages who can provide encouragement to, or get it from, others (depending on where they are personally at currently).

      I Use Reviews
      Where I Only Review Internet Marketing Products and Programs
      I Actually Use, Or Have Used
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    • #5200

      Bruce Hoag

      The lady is nearly 80, struggles to walk, and has other health issues I think.

      She does take her dog for a walk every day though.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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