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Does anyone ever check their Friend Requests within PreneurPal?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything Does anyone ever check their Friend Requests within PreneurPal?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 6 years, 9 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #5634

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi All,

    I ask this question because, although I have 20 friends, all of whom positively accepted my friend request, I still have several outstanding friend requests.

    I made most of my friends requests within the first few weeks of this project, but a good few remain unanswered. All one has to do is get into the routine of clicking on your own icons within the Members’ section. Here you can check on any personal messages you may have, as well as friendship requests.

    I scrolled down the list of 110 members and was quite surprised to see the numbers of unanswered friendship requests. But as two of the members, in question have not signed into PreneurPal in over 3 months I guess its not overly surprising. Excuse the Cynicism there, but if members don’t check the basics when they login (If they ever do) they won’t know if anyone has contacted them, within the group.

    Okay. moan over. But I do intend to cancel all outstanding friend requests at the end of this week. Those of you who have been hibernating for two months of more, or even a month, won’t even know I ever requested your friendship, although you must have been active at the very outset of this project, otherwise I would not have sent you a request in the first place

  • Author
  • #5641

    Robert Labedz


    Hi Leslie,

    I didn’t know there was a friend request in here.
    Where is it?
    Hope you get a lot of GOOD Friends!
    Thanks in advance,

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #5644

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Robert,

      Well you simply click on any profile pic. You can do it within Pal Core access if you like. That takes you to the profile of the person in question. You will see three rectangular boxes. The first is to do with friendships within the group. The others are for pubic and private messaging. I have sent a friend request to and you can now, either, accept or cancel. It’s entirely up to you and no offence will be taken if you decline.

      Hope that helps.


      1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #5642

    Steve Allen

    I log in here regularly but didn’t check my own profile to see that I had unaccepted friend requests. I have lots of requests out there that haven’t been accepted so now, thanks to your post, I know that they aren’t just ignoring me but that like me, they haven’t spent the time required to figure out that friend requests are posted on your own profile.
    I read your stuff as you post it, now I guess we’re friends….whatever that means. 🙂

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    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #5645

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi Steve,

    If you become friends with another within the group it makes it easier to follow that person and also to message them privately.

    And yes we are already friends:)

  • #5687

    Bruce Hoag

    70% of my request have been unanswered.

    I’ll leave them there.

    No harm done and, when it’s important, they might reply.

    And so far, apart from showing a little extra interest, accepting or not accepting a friend request has made very little difference in this forum.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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