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Feedback Requested on Opt In Page and Thank You Page!

Home Page Forums Ask Anything Feedback Requested on Opt In Page and Thank You Page!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Jan Sandhouse Hurst 7 years, 1 month ago.

  • Creator
  • #3806

    Kristin VanTilburg

    Hello Friends!

    I am pushing along with my new funnel! I am feeling excitement and momentum, and in part that is due to the support I feel from this Community. THANK YOU!

    I have created my opt in and thank you pages…any feedback, comments, criticism, gratefully received. I am targeting heart-centered entrepreneurs with all my work. But I don’t want to cross the line into non-professional.

    Opt In Page:
    Thank You Page:

    I have not worked on the autoresponder email yet, but I believe I have the opt in going to a list on mailchimp.

    These tech pieces are a real challenge for me. I am still a newbie in the tech aspects of my business.

    Standing with you all for prosperity and contribution!
    Have a wonderful day!

    Kristin van Tilburg
    Stressed out? Overwhelmed?
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  • Author
  • #3814

    Bruce Hoag

    Cute thank you page!

    You need to change the title of your squeeze page. “Plain” isn’t like to be something that anyone will search for; at least not the people that you’re looking for.

    Also, if you’re not a techy, then you’ll struggle with MailChimp. It’s why I quit using it. I was spending more time trying to get it to work that I was using it. And I wasn’t impressed with their tech support either.

    MailerLite will give you a free account with unlimited emails for up to 1000 subscribers, and after that they cost half of what AWeber charges.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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    • #3834

      Kristin VanTilburg

      Hi Bruce: Thank you for your feedback. I see the word “Plain” on the tab, but I didn’t know I had a choice about what that said. If I have inadvertently named it that it was an accident! I’ll look into changing it.


      Kristin van Tilburg
      Stressed out? Overwhelmed?
      Visit my website to receive a free 5 day email mini-class in dealing with overwhelm!

    • #3847

      Bruce Hoag

      I think it’s called the Title Tag, though it’s for a page, not the site itself.

      I don’t have enough experience with the different themes to tell you how to change it in yours, but there are those in this group who would.

      If you can get into the HTML, that’s one way; but there ought to be a way that’s much simpler.

      You might want to ask the question specifically so that members of the forum will see it.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #3837

    Malik Ahmad

    Besides the plain tab, I think it looks good! I think this is a good start and you can always change it in the future if you, wish.

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  • #3860

    Julia Rotgers

    The ability to change the browser tag is in the SEO settings for the title of the page.

    I’m not sure what builder you are using or I might be of more help 🙂

    Squeeze pages are a funny thing, they need to appeal to your ideal client, so me not liking it or liking it might not mean a thing.

    Please take this as it’s intended (not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings here), but I would not click through that page. It’s well thought out and put together correctly but it feels harsh.
    Especially for a page that is showing me how to use the power of love.

    I would love to see a picture of you or maybe change the text and button on the left to a softer shade (blue comes to mind).

    All that being said, I do love the thank you page. It feels warm and personal.

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  • #3993

    Jan Sandhouse Hurst

    Kristin, I followed the link from the opt-in and it says this: “FOR CHOOSING TO REVIEW “DECEPTIVE TRUTHS”

    just a second, we’re sending the PDF file for the book to your email.”

    Looks like you’re linking to the wrong page based on the urls of the 2 pages — the one I got and the one you provided in the thread.

    I’d also use green for “Money” on the thank you page. Or maybe show a small image of the book cover just to reinforce their choice.

    Congratulations on moving forward!

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