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How will you change the world?

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This topic contains 17 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Gregory Bey 7 years, 1 month ago.

  • Creator
  • #3851

    Bruce Hoag

    We’ve all heard Sean stress the importance of solving a problem that will change the lives of others.

    Let’s explore that a bit.

    Admittedly, I have to think deeply about this, too. So we’re in the same boat.

    When you think about your product(s) – your business – how do you see it changing the lives of your clients?

    How will what you do change the world?

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • Author
  • #3863

    Julia Rotgers

    I may never change the world 🙂

    The quote from Hacksaw Ridge often runs through my head “Lord, let me help one more”.

    I find if I think about changing the world everything goes to global for me.
    My writing is not as effective and my teaching does not hit the mark.

    But when I focus in on that one heart, that one person who has a need, I can reach many.

    So I guess I would say, the way I will change the world is by helping one, and then one more, and then one more, and then one more, and then one more, and then one more……

    And if they happen to be in a group of 10’s or 100’s or 1000’s, all the better, but the connection is with ONE.

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  • #3866

    Well, my niche is chronic insomnia.

    So, when Sean asks you to write out those questions like, “Imagine what it would feel like to ___” and “are you tired of ___ because ___” all I had to do was think back to my chronic insomnia days…

    It was horrible. You’ll be able to read it in my ebook, but for 5 years, I struggled with it, and it got worse and worse.

    To the point that I could no longer work effectively, enjoy my family, or get through each day.

    So, to answer your question, how do I plan to change the world?

    I can’t change the entire world, of course…But I CAN help people in the same boat by teaching them the strategies I’ve learned to restore their sleep.

    I can give them tips to help get their life back (much to the relief of their bosses, spouses, children, and others who care about them).

    In a very real way, overcoming bad insomnia is like getting your life back.

    I am also very much a “go teach what you I learn” type of person…so once I conquer this project, I see myself expanding to also help others who want financial freedom, by teaching them what the process has taught me about starting a site, creating products, building an email list, etc.

    All of this boils down to giving others hope…

    This may not change the entire world, but it is possible to change the lives of many.

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    • #3872

      Bruce Hoag

      Looking forward to reading your ebook.

      I’m among the fortunate few who can sleep anytime, anywhere, if the conditions are right: trains, cars (when I’m a passenger), planes, etc. Caffeine has no effect whatsoever.

      That said, I’m aware of things like a “window of opportunity” and “getting a second wind.” It’s possible to push through just little to get the latter and miss out on the former.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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    • #3874

      Very true, Bruce. I used to do just that (push through to try to get a second wind). Then once I started having endless nights of insomnia, I stopped taking sleep for granted and learned to see it for the gift it is. I’m almost where you are now – able to sleep pretty easily given the right situation. It’s nothing short of a miracle to reach this point after what I’ve been through, which is how I know that other chronic insomniacs have the same goal. It’s amazing how once insomnia takes over the body, it can take over the mind as well. We start thinking irrationally, and therefore behaving irrationally, for example thinking that taking a sleeping pill every night is the answer. So for that reason, my “program”, if you will, consists of a holistic approach with a heavy emphasis on cognitive techniques to “train” yourself to sleep properly again.

      I Use Reviews
      Where I Only Review Internet Marketing Products and Programs
      I Actually Use, Or Have Used
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    • #3878

      Bruce Hoag

      The only time I had to push myself through was when I was working rotating shifts. That was a long time ago.

      Now it happens accidentally.

      So it means that I have to start getting ready for bed earlier so that I don’t find myself in the middle of something when the window occurs.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #4006

    Susan Parnaby

    I have an interesting twist on this. If you read can see what I mean. The story goes back to 1991. In some ways, I think I was given the endpoint a long time ago. It has been a blessing in the sense that when going through a deep dark valley I knew that there was going to be an end to it. In other words, there was a dream at the other side of the nightmare.

    The issue is working out how to make that dream become a reality. Like many people in middle age, it has been a challenge keeping hold of a vision as so many things have not turned out as we thought they would. When I was 20 my then boyfriend expected to have a job for life and I thought marriage would lead to happiness. The reality is he lost that job due to choices made by politicians and then struggled to keep a job for more than a few years at a time. As time has passed I have added more adjectives to my description of his issues and wondered why on earth I stuck it out so long.

    I have been through an extreme training process. My problem is how to connect the dots between that description of the future and where I am now. There are loads of ideas floating around my head some of which have been maturing for many years. I have just checked and it was 2001 when I registered my first domain. That site and the 2 from 2002 were all but abandoned for a few years while the nightmare that was my life worsened and picked up again after the nightmare ended.

    I know that the change will involve some aspect of my design as a teacher. It will also use some aspect of my interest in computers. It will also include various strands of ideas that have come round more than once on my journey. After that, I don’t have any firm ideas just a faith that something will happen.

    My dream turned into a terrible nightmare.

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    • #4034

      Bruce Hoag

      Forgive me if I’ve made this suggestion to you before, Susan. I know that I have in another part of this forum.

      A good book for you to read, at least the first part, is called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey.

      At the beginning, he talks about the Circles of Influence and Concern.

      Most people live in the latter.

      They look at all their limitations, and then ask what they can do within them. Over time, they find that they can do less and less.

      The relative few who live in the former – The Circle of Influence – focus on all the things that they can do. Over time, they find that they can do more and more.

      That’s a summary, but it would be worth it for you to read his discussion.

      You can probably get the book through Inter Library Loan from your local library. It will certainly be in a copyright library if they can’t get it.

      Any problems, just let me know and I’ll track it down for you.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #4048

    Sean Mize

    If you change one life, you change the world.

    If you change one life a week, you dent the world each week.

    One life a day . . you are a superstar!

    Imagine if EVERY human changed a life a day!!!


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  • #4149

    Bruce Hoag

    I just realized that if you can determine how you will change the world, then you’ll be able to complete the first step in Sean’s Core Implementation Model.

    Must be more important than I thought. 😉

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #4931

    Sean Mize

    Here’s a thought: you can best change the world by sharing with the world how you have overcome something in the past . . . and hopefully make it a bit easier for the world because you’ve already been there and can offer advice based on real – life experience.


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    • #4934

      Bruce Hoag
      This reply has been set as private.
  • #4935

    Galel Fajardo

    One person at a time!

    I used to get overwhelmed because I thought my day-to-day activities weren’t “groundbreaking” or helping make a “massive impact” on the world. Finally, a mentor of mine suggested that I write out my clients’ success stories. After doing this and going over it with him, he said “Now, tell me you haven’t helped change the world!”

    It’s all done one person, one day at a time.

    Based upon the impact a single person has, what you do for one person can affect generations.

    Performance Coach and Host of the Improve Daily Podcast

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    • #4936

      Bruce Hoag

      Thanks for making this so clear, Galel.

      What you’ve said has made me realize how easy it is to get caught with the romance of changing the world while losing sight of the fact that it’s made up of individuals.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #4943

    Sean Mize


    what a great idea, writing out clients’ stories . . .

    I keep testimonials folks send me spontaneously, telling me of their success, to read on days when I wonder if I’m making an impact, but you deepen it further than that!


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  • #5421

    Sean Mize

    When you think about changing YOUR world, what’s the number one thing you could do TODAY to change one life?


    Do you want to learn how to start a coaching program that stabilizes your income and changes lives? If so, visit


  • #5467

    Gregory Bey

    Study Myself

    It all starts with me. I must be honest with myself, about myself and improve and grow
    every day.

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