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Update on PreneurPal Progress . . .

Home Page Forums Ask Anything Update on PreneurPal Progress . . .


This topic contains 11 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Bob Moore 7 years, 3 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #1898

    Sean Mize

    Today I worked on the next phase . . .and that is adding a checklist feature. I’ll be writing checklists with accompanying instructions for each task to do, so you know what to do and can check off that it’s finished. And we’ll combine that with an accountability feature so you can track your progress . . .

    But I uploaded a plugin for the checklist feature, and it just didn’t work as promised and now I’m out of time today!

    So will continue tomorrow . .

    I want to get the checklist working FIRST then add the step by step training . . .

    by the way, if you PERSONALLY use a checklist plugin that works well, why not share it with me below 🙂

    also, by the way #2, if you don’t have the following 3 things in place, this is your next step;

    1) a squeeze page

    2) a download page after the squeeze page

    3) you are writing a daily email (even if you have 1 subscriber)

    Till tomorrow,


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  • Author
  • #1902

    Kristin VanTilburg

    Thanks for all your hard work, Sean! I am grateful you did not give up.

    Kristin van Tilburg
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  • #1905

    Dejan Cerv

    Hi Sean

    I have been searching for a “checklist plugin” last year and I remember there was not much options to choose from.

    I know about two plugins that might help you add checklist feature. I didn’t use them personally, but one of them might do exactly what you are looking for.

    1. Checklist:
    2. Frontend Checklist:

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  • #1911

    Troy Steine

    Thank you for the updates Sean

    Thank you for the updates on checklists Sean,very much look forward to that.

    Troy S.

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  • #1923

    Malik Ahmad

    I appreciate all you hard work and I appreciate you keeping us informed.

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  • #1927

    Leslie Leftley

    Phenomenal Sean.

    I, for one, can’t keep up with all this innovating. But keep it coming you are leading the way in building something precious and unique here.

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  • #1942

    A checklist would be great!

    Thanks so much, Sean! I can’t believe how many features you’ve added to this forum in the last week! You’re like a dynamo… swift, moving and unstoppable. How could I ever have any complaints?!

    ♥ Coach Claire

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  • #2029

    Sean Mize

    Thanks! I’m still working on it . . .back and forth with tech support, ever been there?

    Also working on a way for you to post articles, blog posts, etc to the front page . . .

    With signature of course . . .

    drive traffic your way, create presence online, and so on . .


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  • #2043

    Dana Cassell

    WP Able Checklist was developed by Lynette Chandler of – I believe she sold PLR rights to it, as it’s available through a number of sites now.

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    • #3551

      Sean Mize


      will wp able checklist allow me to create a checklist, make it then available to any member, who can each and individually check off the work they’ve done . . . in essence, create a checklist, then assign that checklist individually to each member?



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  • #3565

    Dana Cassell

    I haven’t used it, Sean, but the description on YouTube sounds like it might: “Create checklists for your visitors or team members right from your WordPress dashboard to track progress as they complete a program or process.” The YT video is at – and one of the sales pages is at (There are several, as it was sold as PLR)

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  • #3567

    Bob Moore

    Wow, Sean! I’ve been away for only a couple days, and I couldn’t believe how much has been added to the site in such a short time. It looks fantastic. I want to echo the sentiments of others here and thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into this. I know it’s a labor of love, and it’s very much appreciated! I’m looking forward to seeing what else is added.

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