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Using S.M.A.R.T Goals

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Julia Rotgers 7 years, 2 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #1703

    Yvonne A Jones

    Sean has been providing some amazing training on goal-setting, which I enjoy
    and appreciate.

    What has worked for you consistently in the actual process of goal-setting
    and goal-achievement? I’ve been using the S.M.A.R.T Goal System for the past
    three years, and it works for me. The feature that made the biggest difference
    for me is the “T” – Is there another system you currently use or used in the
    past that has worked well for you?

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  • Author
  • #1707

    Bruce Hoag

    I’ve struggled with the “T” as well.

    In fact, I don’t use it.

    I’ve learned that I’m not a very good judge of how long things take.

    Tasks typically take me a lot longer to do, and I have no control over the results.

    SMART assumes that you do.

    It’s a myth.

    So you have to commit yourself to a path, and then stay with it long enough for it to produce the results you want.

    And it may be that it will take three months or six months for you to get enough exposure to determine that it isn’t working.

    But every entrepreneur has to discover what that length of time is for him / her.

    It will be different for you.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #1866

    Sean Mize

    The process I learned a few years ago – and have adapted a little – is The ONE Thing process

    that Gary Keller and Jay Papasan teach in their Book – THe ONE Thing

    It’s so powerful to me to ask myself, what is the one thing I can do today that will make everything else irrelevant or unimportant?

    And of course this process nests . . . once you do that ONE THING – your day might be done, or you might have time to ask the question and do the NEXT THING . . .


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    • #1869

      Bruce Hoag

      That’s an excellent book, Sean.

      I think you recommended it to me.

      I’ve put their primary question on the wall at the day job where I can see it all them time.

      It helps because, although what I do is almost entirely up to me, there are certain limitations that make this far from straightforward.

      Can’t wait to leave there and help people like those in this forum instead.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1922

    Julia Rotgers

    Concerning a timebound goal, I find that setting a deadline is a good idea, even if you miss your deadline.
    Setting a goal to be achieved ‘someday’ never gets achieved (which I’m sure no one in this thread is arguing 🙂 )

    This being said, I find that some outside pressure in the form of an upcoming class, coaching call or lesson I have to deliver is a great motivator.

    Even when no one showed I always taught my classes and sent the recordings out even if it was to a select group of nonpaying subscribers.
    This way I was prepared to deliver the material and moved one step closer.

    One of my mantras is always have someone to learn from and someone to teach. The person you learn from should require ‘homework’ and if they don’t, require it from yourself. Then teach what you are learning to make sure you are not just learning, but actually absorbing the information to the point that you can share what you’ve learned.

    This can be a formal relationship such as a coach and student or a casual accountability partner.
    I learned the basics of this from my Dad years ago as I watched him master things he wanted to learn.

    To answer your question -“Is there another system you currently use or used in the past that has worked well for you?”

    The best advice I can give is to take the time to get real clarity about your goal.

    One of my favorite exercises is the 7 levels of Why.
    1) Ask yourself what is IMPORTANT to you about becoming, having or doing what you want to do?
    2) Once you get that answer replace the “becoming, having or doing what you want to do” with your previous answer.
    3) Repeat this question (each time including your new answer/awareness) 7 levels deep to find what the true motivator is for you.

    It’s not an easy exercise and it is very tempting to end early so you don’t get too emotional.
    But if you take it seriously and ask 7 levels deep you can often find a motivator that will help you through just about anything.

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