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What is your #1 activity for today?

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 6 years, 11 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #5585

    Sean Mize

    What is your #1 activity for today?


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  • #5594

    Robert Labedz


    I have been home sick for 6 days – but while I am able to be up and thinking I have been spending time learning about how to make a proper website and plugins, hosting etc. Whew it is Overwhelming, But kind of exciting.
    I had gotten some folks a while back that were supposed to help me with all the techy stuff and I was so underwhelmed – that I decided to take control even tough it will take longer and be hard – I am believing it will better it the long run.

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  • #5597

    Bruce Hoag

    Getting ready to move in a couple of days.

    I don’t have much stuff. Everything will fit into a van, but the main thing is that I won’t have an Internet connection for a couple of weeks.

    I’ll have to do everything online in the office (day job).

    On the one hand, I’m looking forward to that.

    No TV, no Internet, and even the cellphone won’t work because there’s no signal.

    I’ll have a radio and a dozen books to read.

    On the other hand, it may feel like an online diet.

    Just imagine: NO email first thing in the morning.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #5603

      Leslie Leftley

      Hey Bruce,

      That should give you a break from PreneurPal then…lol..although the input to this group might therefore drop somewhat!

      Good luck with the move my friend. It can be a stressful time.

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  • #5602

    Leslie Leftley


    I will be making initial preparations for my first official speech, that I will be giving to a Speaking club I have joined. It is only going to be 5 minutes long, but that is a lot longer than it seems when one is stood up in front of a bunch of people who, while very supportive, are also analyzing in order to provide feedback on my effort. It’s only 11 days away so I have to get my skates on as I want to have my talk clear in my mind. This will require structuring whatever I choose to say. But my topic will probably be something about my own life. This helps the group to get to know more about my background while also testing my vocal techniques.

    • #5612

      Bruce Hoag

      Hi Les,

      I’ve given a lot of public presentations.

      The most important thing is preparation.

      When you think you have it all together, then stand at a table with your notes in front of you, and present to the wall or the empty room out loud, just as if you’re doing it, all the way through.

      Make whatever changes you need to to your notes.

      An hour or so later, do it again, all the way through.

      Amend you notes if you need to.

      Then leave it for the rest of the day.

      The next day, run through it again, out loud, just as if you were delivering it.

      And the day before, do it again.

      Presentations, speeches – anything like that – you need to be as natural as possible, otherwise you want engage anyone.

      Even if you’re more or less reading from a script, you want to deliver it as if you don’t have one; and that takes practice.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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    • #5625

      Leslie Leftley

      Thanks Bruce,

      I am beginning to find out just how much preparation is needed. I know from the guy who co-ordinates the Ted talks that some Ted talkers prepare for up to 6 months before doing a talk, and most for at least 3 months. The end result is a smooth, engaging and, usually, excellent presentation. My first effort will be a lot shorter than an average Ted talk, but I could, still, have done with a couple more weeks for myself.

      Thee are no born speakers, it is a skill that can be learned. I will give my best in the time I have.

      As you say practice is the key. Not only will I do it in front of a mirror. I will also do it on webcam and review several times before the actual day comes.

  • #5633

    Sean Mize

    me, today:

    7 – 8:30 AM: Write copy (I’m writing this during my writing time)

    8:30 – 9:00 AM – shower, walk the dog, eat a quick bit

    9 – 12 noon: 3 1-1 consults with personal clients

    12 – 12:30 eat lunch

    1-4 ski

    That’s what I wrote this morning . . .

    but it’s 12:30 and I haven’t had lunch and am obviously not skiing . .

    and may end up doing another project online instead of taking the afternoon off . .

    So can amend this if I do that . .


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  • #5649

    Mark Rhodes

    My #1 activity for the day was to reconnect with a doctor from the past. He had to call me 4 or 5 times as the overseas connection kept dropping.

    He, and his doctor assistant, and I use very parallel approaches to helping patients.

    I had met him in 2009 and helped him with a couple of his patients, but we had not talked in the meantime. He used our lab some then but has since become their top account. And I’m not at that lab anymore.

    Anyway, he is seeking my help in getting a new facet of his business established in the U.S.

    I think the combination of what I do and what he does could work out very nicely, providing services to doctors and patients.


    All About Health And Healing

  • #5685

    Bruce Hoag

    After today’s coaching call, it’s to review my comments in PP and a lot of messages that you and I have had, and figure out a system that encompasses the big ideas as much as possible.

    Then codify it, write a book, and get this show on the road!

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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