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Which of these should be my primary website?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything Which of these should be my primary website?

This topic contains 18 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 6 years, 10 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #604

    Bruce Hoag

    I’ve wrestled with this quite a bit and come to the conclusion that I’m a writer who also happens to be a psychologist, rather than a psychologist who writes.

    You may beg to differ.

    The thing is that I want a business as a writer.

    I recognize that I can bring a depth to the content I create for others that few can because I’m a psychologist, but I don’t want that to be the main event unless that’s what people want.

    What I mean is that I believe that I can do more for people by writing for them and incorporating psychology in that content than by doing anything else.

    Now after all I’ve said about how others ought to have only one site, I have two; but I use them in tandem.

    They each have a different function, but are designed to work together to one end.

    PsychHacks contains articles that both show my skill as a writer and knowledge of why people do what they do.

    The other site is about me as a writer. It has a link in the navigation bar that will take people to the blog so that they can see what could be called “writing samples.”

    So the question is, which of the two websites should I choose as the primary one for this group?


    Dr Bruce Hoag ~ Piano Teacher ~ Accompanist

    Over to you. 🙂

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • Author
  • #979

    Norma Allen

    Hi Bruce. My opinion is that you should promote your writing site here. I think our bottom line is that we want to promote each other in business and the ghost writing site seems to be where your intent is to make money.

    But, having seen them both, the psych hacks site is more fun to read! 🙂

    You can always add links to both sites on your profile page.

    Norma Esler

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  • #986

    Bruce Hoag

    Thanks for your feedback, Norma. 🙂

    You may have experienced this yourself, but often it’s so easy to become immersed in my own stuff that I lose the objectivity that’s needed to see things as they are.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1011

    Norma Allen

    Very true!

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
    Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

  • #1020

    Bob Moore

    Hi Bruce,

    I would say it depends on what you want your focus to be. From the prospective of an aspiring IMer, I like the ghostwriting site better. Since, I assume, the majority of people here are focusing on internet marketing, it will resonate with the most people. Plus, since the URL for that site is in your name, it helps to brand you maybe a little bit better.

    I don’t think you could go wrong either way. You can always cross-promote, too. I hope that helps.

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  • #1022

    Bruce Hoag

    Thanks for your thoughts, Bob.

    I actually understand the IM space really well, but I think that I can provide more value by bringing psychology into the writing I do for others, than by making psychology the main event.

    It feels good to have you and Norma validate my convictions.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1028

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi Bruce,

    Without even looking at your sites it is obvious, to me, where your heart and soul lie, and that is as an author, in whatever guise you choose. Psychology is obviously of great interest to you also, but if I were you I’d go full steam ahead on all things writing related, and maybe use the Psychology site as more of a serious hobby.

    You could still set up your Psychology site to make passive income, and return to it when Writing, occasionally, becomes a little tedious, or the dreaded writers block sets in, which I believe it does for all writers from time to time.

    But I really believe that your expertise in psychology can not only be used to good effect in marketing your own written work. But you could also use your talents to suss out the buyer psychology, (involved in every purchase of any goods or services) to significantly increase the ROI of both of your businesses.

    So I suggest, getting fully active with the writing side, and set up the psychology site to slowly build a passive income (doesn’t have to be fast income, and take your attention away from the writing. A drip of income soon becomes a trickle, a steady flow and, eventually, a deluge)

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  • #1051

    Don Sturgill

    Most of the time, Bruce, ghostwriters don’t get to choose the topic. They are hired for a specific job by someone who wants a specific article written for a specific purpose.

    If you want to be the next Cialdini and write your own stuff … focus on psychohacks.

    If you want to build a business as a ghostwriter, focus on getting your name known as a writer who can handle several angles and genres.

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  • #1060

    Bruce Hoag

    Thanks, Leslie and Don, for your ideas.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1399

    Roger Rakestraw

    Hi Bruce,

    I too, feel you should focus on the ghostwriting site in your signature, although like Norma, I find the psych hacks site more fun to read.

    Maybe a slogan could be “Ghost Writing with the Readers Mind in Mind”…

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  • #1421

    Bruce Hoag

    That’s the idea behind The Mindful Writer, Roger.

    If people read the home page, or the About page, then this should make sense to them.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1501

    Sean Mize


    both . . share each when it’s appropriate . . .

    when someone needs mindset help . . the psychology site

    when someone needs writing help . . the writing site


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  • #1552

    Bruce Hoag

    I’d love to use both in this forum, Sean.

    Any ideas about how the signature ought to look?

    I don’t want to appear to be a jack-of-all-trades trying to cobble together a bit of this and a bit of that. 😉

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1693

    Tina Fletcher

    Why couldn’t your Signature be something where you have a tag line (I put in a quick one) that summarizes what you can give and highlights your strengths

    Bruce Hoag
    When You need more that just Generalized Writing
    Author, Writer, Ghostwriter |
    Internet Psychology Expert |

    Show your versatility but prioritize your writing skills as that is where you want to go. 🙂

    All things Digital
    For Training
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    • #1709

      Bruce Hoag

      The one thing I have to be really careful of, and we all do Tina, is to make sure that people who don’t know me aren’t confused by what is said in the signature.

      We’ve all heard about presenting prospects with just one thing.

      I’m still struggling with this to a certain extent.

      A friend of mine, who made a full-time income as a ghostwriter (before becoming a coach), is helping me with this.

      Case in point.

      He asked me what three things I was an expert in.

      There were six things.

      Two of them had several facets, all of which were related, not only the sub-categories, but the two main categories.

      I’m struggling to explain it, and if I’m having that much trouble, prospects haven’t got a chance.

      The Mindful Writer is an attempt to blend the two together.

      Maybe what I need is a strapline that explains what that means: something like “deep and persuasive copy.”

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #1990

      Norma Allen

      Ah… the pitfalls of being brilliant… so many good things to share! Thank you, Bruce, for sharing your expertise with us all.

      We appreciate your contributions!

      Norma Esler

      Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
      Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2018

      Bruce Hoag

      This Bible verse haunts me: To whom much is given, much will be required.

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #1752

    Malik Ahmad

    I prefer the ghost writing niche for this forum.

    I personally do not want to give my future prospects to many options. I find the more options I provide, the more confused my prospect becomes, and the more questions I have to answer before they take action.

    I visited your site and I signed up for your ebook. I do quite enjoy your writing style. I look forward to reading your download.

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  • #1980

    Sean Mize


    I agree with Malik . . . the more laser targeted you are, the easier to make your message clear.

    I like “deep and persuasive” copy . . .


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