Wow Donna,
I just spent well over an hour studying that download. Fabulous, easy to understated information, presented in a friendly and conversational way.
And yet you maintain your authority throughout. I felt as if you were talking to me over a drink or something. So natural.
I was looking at blogging, in isolation, a few months ago, as a way to make money online. But you have made a much bigger, and more persuasive, argument for blogging as a form of advertising and promotion for your main business, whether that be based on a platform site or a membership site.
I am not a lover of any social media, but your teaching of how to use its many incarnations, without getting embroiled in one to one aimless chit chat is solid gold.
It’s all about consistent action and serving your “tribe” in the best way for them, and that’s what brings you your richly deserved success. And all in 5 years…Very impressive!!