Preneurs Helping Preneurs Get Noticed

Your Monetary Blueprint

Now that you’ve created the outline to your blueprint, answer these questions to set the monetary aspect of your Blueprint:

what do YOU see as the way to get to about $8k a month ($100k a year)
for example, would you have 100 clients at $83 a month
or 200 clients at $42 a month?
or 400 buyers at $21 each?
or some combination of that?

Would you have single trainings (maybe $20 each)?
a membership at $30 or $40 a month?
coaching at $97 a month?
and multiple-track products at $100 – $1000 each
or a combination of all?

what has to happen for that to happen?
what are the 3 biggest things that answering the earlier questions and my feedback have done for you, or helped you realize?

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