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Don Sturgill

It’s a tough call, Sean. I belong to a writers group that’s so jampacked with messages that navigation is frustrating. People who have time to socialize for hours love it. Working writers aren’t as thrilled about the organization.

In the end, you have people who don’t do the work advising others who don’t do the work and little is gained. I often get requests from people who want me to help edit their work or create a landing page (for free). I try to pitch in where I can, but I can’t leave paying customers waiting for long or I’ve become a charity, not a business.

For me, the primary missing element in all forums (even Facebook) is getting away from the linear messaging display. Smart navigation with an excellent search function could help. As could separate pages/areas for the various topics. In the end, those with real ability will engage with the hope of picking up clients … and that can turn its own nightmare — online ambulance chasers.

Maybe a better way to go is a weekly focus topic where all pitch in. One essential ingredient must be there, though … guidance by the master or an appointed moderator with credibility.

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