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Home Page Forums Meet Each Other Accountability

This topic contains 20 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Norma Allen 6 years, 8 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #96

    Don Sturgill

    It’s always a good thing to partner up. How about a small mutual mentor – mastermind sort of group for folks who are determined to stick with it and get going?

  • Author
  • #103

    Norma Allen

    Sounds good, Don! One of the things I hope to get out of the site is just the kind of mutual help and encouragement you are suggesting.


    Norma Esler

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  • #104

    Melody Jackson

    Mutual accountability is a great idea. Sounds good to me.

    I think the most important thing for a mastermind is to be clear about a structure for it, so everyone’s time is used well.

  • #113

    Tina Fletcher

    Hi Don, I think it can be an amazing to partner up with a mastermind group, but in saying that getting the right people is even more important. Many times this happens through trial and error ie connecting and seeing who fits and then seeing if you have common goals, communication skills and interests.

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  • #164

    Don Sturgill

    I’m way open to ideas about how/when and structure. Melody … what are you thinking about structure? Tina … how many people? Norma, good to meet you. Let’s do it.

  • #265

    If I am welcome… I’d love to see if this is for me, Don, Tina, Melody and Norma. I’m really serious about getting my business going.

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  • #301

    I would love to be involved!

  • #311

    Don Sturgill

    We have the people … how to do it. Sean, is there a way we can meet here in the forum? We could start a private Facebook or Google+ group. Suggestions?

  • #351

    Shawn Miller

    Hello Everybody, I also am interested. I personally have been involved in a Skype group and really liked the group until it moved to Facebook. The 1 thing I enjoyed was you could really get to know someone in Skype where on Facebook it got too busy to find the answers to the question that you had asked. With Skype you have a limit of 100 people, but with Facebook you don’t have a limit. Thanks Shawn

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  • #353

    Bruce Hoag

    There’s an old saying: “It’s hard to fly like an eagle when you work with turkeys.”

    Sean and I were discussing this the other day.

    One of the central problems with online entrepreneurship is that we’re all isolated from each other.

    You’ll read about how you should surround yourself with other successful people.

    Thing is that it’s nearly impossible to do in the online space because we’re all over the world.

    It’s not as though we’re getting together for lunch at our local Lions club, though some of you may do that.

    I’m certainly up for a mastermind group of some kind.

    Time zones are something that will have to be considered.

    For example, although I’m an American, I live in the UK. Our time zone is Eastern Time +5 hours.

    That said, I value the input of “fellow” Americans, especially because most of my clients are likely to come from there.

    Another thing to think about is whether or not to have only one person per profession in a group or to create groups where everyone is in the same niche.

    Pluses and minuses for both.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #364

    Remcy Mongrue

    well i’m very interested in the accountability concept, wow the skype idea sounds awesome also what bruce said is important too. I’m no expert at this but it will be interesting to see how this turns out

    i feel like you gain a different perspective when you talk to someone who is in a different niche than yours or even someone in the same niche as everyone thinks differently, Actually I think bruce is unto something perhaps having the accountability being niche specific would be good for sharing of ideas. I mean i think someone who is in the same niche as you would usually have more interest than vice versa.

  • #392

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi Don and all other contributors,

    The title of this thread (Accountability) is indeed important, indeed essential for everyone, especially procrastinators like me. But this group has literally only just become a reality and we are already discussing sub groups, Facebook groups. Mastermind groups.

    One of the reasons I joined this group was to avoid the Facebook type group, which always get out of hand, with a few experts being stretched to the limits by greedy and needy people unwilling to learn for themselves.

    I also believe that this community is far too small to start splintering into more advanced mastermind groups. I for one am a novice and with little to offer practically to those already, at least, partially successful with their online endeavours. I, for one, would quickly become disheartened. I need to knuckle down, make a solid start and be accountable for someone or a number of people for my ongoing, positive progress. There is room for all levels to interact, so please let’s NOT extricate the more expert among us just to form a clique within the more meaningful whole.

    Now please don’t think I am some kind of killjoy. I applaud the group getting together, discussing things openly. But please don’t start to form sub groups, at least not for a while. I honestly do not think it is withing the spirit of the community as, I believe, Sean sees it.

    Come on guys this is a small enough community for us not to start going off on Skype or forming FB groups. By all means network for personal or mutual benefits, but if those private arrangements are purely of benefit to the two, or more, involved then these should really become an external matter, because they then become “private” business arrangement separate from the core reason for this community.

  • #515

    Susan Parnaby

    Bruce the time zones are more complicated than that. They do not always spring forwards or fall back at the sme time. This year the Uk clocks fell back last weekend as it was the last weekend in October but as I type they have not fallen back in the US. Therefore the time difference for Uk and Eastern time is 4 hours, and not the normal 5. That was why the marathon calls this Tuesday were such a brilliant idea even if it happened by accident rather than design.


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  • #561

    Don Sturgill

    Leslie, it’s not about segregating… it’s about agreeing to let someone else in on what’s actually going on with your business. Not everyone cares to know. Accountability can be powerful. I’ve seen guys stop smoking via the approach.

    • #746

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Don,

      Yes I now see your point. As long as everything remains transparent, I am broadly supportive of what you say. My original concern was mainly about us becoming like a typical Facebook group or the now ghastly “Warrior forum”.

      But from reading comments and clarifications of yours, and several others, I am now extremely hopeful that Sean’s brainchild interactive, entrepreneurial community WILL indeed be different. And accountability is a huge aspect of how the community can help all, of its members. It can certainly be of help to me.

  • #591

    Norma Allen

    Hi Don, and Friends,

    I think the Friends functionality of the site might be a way that we can give feedback and support to each other as individuals. I’m guessing there should be a capability for private messaging built in. Not in an effort to be exclusive, but just as a way to talk to each other.

    For example, I might make a comment on the forum, but there isn’t a way to know if the person actually saw it. I also might not be able to find it again to see if there was a reply. This is likely a flaw in the software, but it’s still better to speak directly sometimes.

    Norma Esler

    Norma Esler

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  • #652

    Bruce Hoag

    I know what you mean, Susan.

    I went to Arizona for a week and a half last month. They never go on daylight savings time.

    I think that the US and the UK are out by about 1-2 weeks in March and October. Then they line up again.

    One way to get around this problem is by having asynchronous meetings; that is by contributing when you can, rather than having everyone show up at the same time.

    Face-to-face is always better. Video calls are the next best thing. Then comes audio calls, and then forums, like this one.

    But we entrepreneurs know that you have to make do with what you have quite often.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

  • #735

    Norma Allen

    So, friends, what do you have on your plate for today today?

    I want to code the sales pages for my next Inspirational Graphics Pack, Gratitude themed quote images for social media and blog posts. I am limited in what I can do because I had eye surgery last week and can barely see. So frustrating. Emails and text, I can dictate, but I’m not sure if I can get the sales pages done.

    Let me know what you’re up to and we’ll check in later to report on our progress.

    Have an awesome day!!

    Norma Esler

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
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  • #857

    Don Sturgill

    Let’s test it, Norma.

  • #868

    Norma Allen

    @ Don – I thought if we share our plans it might be a good way to be accountable to each other.

    Is anybody else in?

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
    Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

  • #960

    Norma Allen

    I got my sales page done, even though it took an extra day. Woohoo!

    What’s everyone else up to?

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
    Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

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