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Home Page Forums Ask Anything Amazon Ads

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 6 years, 6 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #5440

    Don Sturgill

    Anyone using Amazon Marketing Service (AMS) … how’s it going for you there?

  • Author
  • #5455

    Bruce Hoag

    I don’t use ads anywhere, but I’ll pass along some advice I heard elsewhere.

    Don’t buy any ads until you’re making a living.

    In other words, don’t buy advertising until your business is profitable to the extent that it supports you.

    When it is, then you can invest in a marketing budget.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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