Are You Checking For Friend Requests?
This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Tina Fletcher 7 years, 2 months ago.
I just noticed that there are several people that post positive comments to my little posts and comments, but haven’t responded to my friends requests.
I wonder if everyone knows how that works?
Just go to the members page and as you scroll through you will see any friend requests you have.
You will also see your total number of friends, the people that are your friends and the total number of members.
Just FYI, I know we have new people coming in all the time.
Scott Hogue CChH
Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:
http://www.threestepstowealth.comThe thread on this group that explains it:
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