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Asking For Help And Offering You Exposure: Platform Project

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Scott Hogue 7 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #2065

    Scott Hogue

    You may be aware that I have a project I am working on based on what I have learned from Sean and from his platform ideas. I want to make that a bit of a group project so we can all contribute or see and benefit from our association here.

    I know we are talking about my project on other threads, but since it takes time to make the rounds on the threads and for posts to be seen, I thought I would ask here so it would be seen in a timely fashion and make everyone a free offer they wouldn’t miss. I will be off for a while after Monday next week, so I want to make progress now.

    I am about to start pumping my site full of content as I go page to page and recreate it as a platform. I am asking two things:

    1. What is your opinion, thoughts, ideas on the site and what I am doing.
    2. Do you have any content you want to link to or put on the website. No Charge, No Obligation.

    Please remember, I have an idea about where I am going. If I should not use your suggestion, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good idea, or I don’t like it, the idea might be great and it take time for me to work it in or it might not fit in with where I am going and still be great. In any case, someone here probably needs it and could use it, so you wouldn’t be wasting your time.

    The content you are offering needs to align some way to wealth in all forms (Health, Relationships, Income-Including Internet Marketing or any Income Source, Time Management, Finances, etc) and I will try my best to stretch and make a connection.

    Also, I am pretty conservative, I am not so narrow minded I can look through a key hole with both eyes, but being fairly conservative and Christian, I don’t want the site to become too theoretical or non-Christian. It wouldn’t reflect me and how I work to help people. Not being a critic or judging here, to put this in a humorous light, people that found me because they want financial help from Aliens from Planet Z, I just wouldn’t know how to help them. If you have contact with the Aliens on Planet Z and they want to help people with their money problems, then that is a good niche for you and we need all the help we can get, but I wouldn’t know where to start. 😉

    So here is the site again:

    And I have just started redoing the home page, of course you can comment on any of the site, but just know I have started with the first page.

    Might just say I am having surgery next week, so if you offer an opinion or content and I disappear for a while, I didn’t quit the project or not like your idea.

    I think our group and even this project is an excellent example of how it is difficult if not impossible to help others without helping yourself.

    Thank you all for being here!

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

  • Author
  • #2068

    Scott Hogue


    If you want to see how this is working, the video button on the homepage is active now as I start filling in content.


    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #2070

    Melody Wilhelm

    Love what you’re doing so far, Scott.
    I’m interested to see how you create your platform, as I would like to do one for relationships.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2075

      Scott Hogue

      Thank you Melody,
      I am stumbling through and making mistakes, so hopefully you can learn from my mistakes.

      I am learning how to link and it not dead end or circle back.

      FYI All top three buttons now have some content.

      Thanks for the kind words,

      Scott Hogue CChH
      Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

      The thread on this group that explains it:

  • #3632

    Hi Scott,
    I just checked out your site (would like to dig more into it as time permits). It looks great! I like your concept!

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  • #3633

    Scott Hogue

    Somehow this wound up over several threads, so I will update here too.

    Thanks to all for the encouragement!

    It is a work in progress, much like Sean is doing here, but he is light years ahead and his topic/purpose somewhat different.

    I wrote an almost 10,000 word introduction and mini course in five recorded sessions to introduce people to the platform and the three steps to wealth as a quickstart freebie.

    I am not in good voice today so, I hope to record that and post it soon.

    I will also make it into an ebook and probably make a package including it for people to sign up to my list.

    I have big ideas, not touched on 10% yet, so I have a long way to go and the vision of something really, really big.

    Thanks again!

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

  • #3642

    Norma Allen

    Hey Scott,

    I hope your surgery goes well. Keep us posted!

    Praying for you,

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
    Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

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    • #3660

      Scott Hogue

      I can use all of the prayer I can get, in a lot of ways.

      This is supposed to be the easier eye. The other one was really tough, only Dr. Wang would touch it.

      If I can’t read next week, guess I will just have to listen to Sean!


      Scott Hogue CChH
      Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

      The thread on this group that explains it:

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #3680

      Norma Allen

      What are they doing, Scott? I’ve had five eye surgeries in the past year and a half after both my retinas tore. The last one was a vitrectomy and retinal membrane peel to remove the scar tissue from the back of my eye. It’s still tough to read and remains to be seen what kind of improvement I’ll see from the surgery. Not the nicest thing to have to go through.

      Norma Esler

      Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
      Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

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    • #3685

      Scott Hogue

      Norma, it is a long story. I am a touch typist so I will just rattle it off, but don’t worry with it if it is too much. I have noticed your posts about eye problems and thought I might send you a private message when that became available.

      So the last time I go on a missionary trip to Africa, I hear of these children dying in the Congo, not all that far from Mansa, Zambia where I was. So I sneak into the Congo, find them with local help (and help from above) and bring them back alive, but I gave away my food and water. When I got back to my last base camp I found that my water there had been taken. I was in serious trouble.

      I got so dehydrated that it shrank the vitreous humour in my eyes and pulled the retina loose in one and did misc. damage in the other. (I have floaters in it like a snow globe) I made it back to the US, fell off the plane and had to have help to get in the van, but I made it home. I shouldn’t be alive. I had a bad cough for a year. Have lots of little ailments I picked up in Africa now.

      I went to a name brand eye clinic to have the retina pull fixed, my local doctor said it wasn’t that bad, but the surgeon had a bad day and blinded me. They made a number of mistakes that caused my retina to shed. Then I had a vitrectomy, a buckle, lot of laser by another doctor to save the eye and restore what of my vision they could. They put a bubble in my eye, you may have had that too. I had to keep my head pointed to the floor 24/7 for 66 days, including sleeping. Lost a year of any serious work in our food distribution business and about went mad.

      They didn’t get the retina straight and that took years to work through, now it is not so bad, you get used to a lot. I was over 80% black as night blind in that eye before they reattached the retina, so I am blest.

      All of the trauma caused a trauma induced cataract, which was so bad it caused glaucoma. With the cataract and scar tissue blocking the drains, my pressure was going up and up and the cataract was blinding me. No one local would touch me. I went to Dr. Ming Wang, the man they based the movie “God Is Not Dead” on and he said you have no choice, I promise you complications if we have the surgery and blindness that isn’t correctable if we don’t.

      June 15th I had the surgery. Came out as blind as a bat. He tapped the fluid in my repeatedly, took tons of eye drops, pills and treatments and now I have 20/40 in that eye with some distortion but I consider that a miracle. It is developing a secondary cataract, I have to go back in December and they will fix that, they say it usually is a piece of cake, but my eye over responds due to the previous damage. Dr. Wang says when miracles start, they tend to continue, but if I have problems we will deal with them. Put his hand on my shoulder, said I know you have been through a lot, but I really believe we will get through this and you will clearly see the smiles on your great grandchildren not yet born.

      This surgery is on the other eye. I have what they call floppy iris syndrome which makes it more tricky, this eye has what they call a malignant cataract, not cancer, just really ugly and getting worse by the day. That is the surgery I will have next week. I asked why that eye is so bad and Dr. Wang said, that eye went to Africa too, but without all of the surgical trauma it took longer to get this bad. I did a lot of welding too in my younger days, flew airplanes and was up in those sunny skies and that may have made this worse for a fellow as young and skipper as I am 😉

      On some nasty eye drops, both to treat it and for pre op. I never knew you could be on eye drops so strong they would make you sick to your stomach or your throat as dry as a desert, but I do now.

      If I might encourage you, I know my retina improved for three years and possibly to a lessor extent even longer. Aerobic exercise seemed to help the most when they lifted my activity restrictions. I kept a record and looked at a grid regularly and noticed the changes.

      I certainly feel for you and your retina problems. I go to Dr. Wang and see people from all parts of the world in the waiting room and some have been through so much before they found him. I see people that are in so much worse shape than I am. The man is obsessed and convinced God put him on the earth to make the blind see. I wouldn’t argue with him. Wonderful guy, MIT and Harvard degrees, has a degree in nuclear physics that he uses to advance laser surgery, has written a number of text books used around the world. Created many of the tools and methods he uses. He assigns a coordinator to every patient that follows them through every step of the process, room to room, finances, prescriptions, surgery dates, I think I could ask her the weather forecast and she wouldn’t bat an eye and tell me the week’s forecast!

      I have had five eye surgeries so far, will need a sixth for sure, may need a seventh, but they are confident I will do well eventually and I see better now in my first eye than in years, in spite of the secondary cataract.

      Thank you for your concern.
      If I may be of any service, by all means contact me.

      Scott Hogue CChH
      Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

      The thread on this group that explains it:

  • #3707

    Scott Hogue


    I have managed to record three of the five sessions, but it will take a lot of editing, I am still coughing and a bit out of practice.

    When I start putting them up I would appreciate feed back.


    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

  • #3708

    Scott Hogue

    Update PS

    I am working on my first coaching program too. I thought I had Sean’s book, Anyone Can Coach around here, but can’t find it.
    I suppose I will order a copy (or maybe another copy) today.

    I plan on running through it all live once and then doing it as the recording with regular access to me.

    Heck, I don’t know how to do this, no one knows how to do anything the first time, until they do it.

    I am just going to pretend I have a small group of people in my office and treat the ones on the call like that.


    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

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