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Book Published – FREE on Amazon For a Few Days

Home Page Forums Ask Anything Book Published – FREE on Amazon For a Few Days

This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Don Sturgill 6 years, 6 months ago.

  • Creator
  • #5261

    Don Sturgill

    I wanted to get this up in time for the new year. It’s a quick read cut-to-the-chase strategy to help you do what you say you’ll do and stick to your resolutions this year. It’s on an Amazon KDP Free Book Promotion right now.

    Grab a copy: How to LIVE: A Field Manual and PLEASE leave an Amazon review. That would be super helpful.

    Wishing you all the best new year ever!

    — Don

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • Author
  • #5263

    Steve Allen

    Hey Don-
    Congrats for getting your book done and on KDP. I tried to get it but seems the only way to read it is to have a $9.99 per month subscription to Amazon’s KindleUnlimited. Am I right? Would like to see your work but I’m not subscribing to new monthly costs right now.
    If you can tell me how I can get to it somehow I’d be glad to leave you a review.

    If you're looking for a someone to bounce things off of in the IM world, I'm your guy and I really would love to help you out. Helping others is just who I am!

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    • #5275

      Dana Cassell

      Steve, it should work if you click on “Buy now with 1-click” – of course, you may have to have a credit card on file with them, but as it’s free, no charge will occur

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      2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #5266

    Norma Allen

    Thank you!

    Don, your book is awesome! So practical and definitely needed.

    I also enjoyed reading more about your story.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Do we have permission to share the link? I would love to send this to my list.

    Norma Esler

    Sign up for a daily dose of Inspiration at
    Inspiration for Your Best Year Ever!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #5280

    Malik Ahmad

    I have accessed you book, I have not had the opportunity to read your book yet.

    I will give it a read on Sunday. And give you my impression.

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    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #5283

    Steve Allen

    Outstanding Read!

    I just accessed and read your book start to finish in one quick sitting. It is outstanding and really shows off your skill in writing. And your skill in thinking. And your skill in sharing your thoughts in a way others need and want to listen to.
    Thanks tons for a fantastic way to start my day.
    And if anyone else is reading this… you should definitely access Don’s book and read it!!! (Here is a way to access it if you haven’t already… ) Don’t just access it! Read it! And it almost forces you to take action on it that will change your life.
    Thanks Don.

    If you're looking for a someone to bounce things off of in the IM world, I'm your guy and I really would love to help you out. Helping others is just who I am!

    To Change Your Life Forever check out me out at

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #5436

      Don Sturgill


      Steve … please leave a review on Amazon. That is way helpful.

      — Don

  • #5286

    Malik Ahmad

    You have done a great job. It was definitely an easy read.

    Thanks for sharing.

    7 Figure Marketer Reveals...
    The Exact Blueprint He Used To Go From $0 Online To Millionaire Marketer In Just A Few Months! Get My FREE Guide.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #5437

    Don Sturgill


    Malik … If you would, please leave a review on Amazon.

  • #5438

    Don Sturgill


    Folks … thank you to all who responded earlier. You are appreciated. Please leave an Amazon review. That is incredibly helpful for Amazon SEO: … another book will be ready soon: The DEEP. I’ll give you guys a heads-up during the launch promotion.

    Also … are you using the LIVE Method? How is it helping? Do you have questions? Please let me know. My email is

    — Don

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