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Do you think PreneurPal is losing steam and in need of a boost?

Home Page Forums Ask Anything Do you think PreneurPal is losing steam and in need of a boost?

This topic contains 21 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Bruce Hoag 7 years, 1 month ago.

  • Creator
  • #5341

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi all,

    This is a message in two parts. One about this group the other about myself along with a request for help.

    Firstly, I must admit that since early to Mid December my attendance within this group has been sporadic at best. But I see now that even the regulars are beginning to fade a little.

    I know this was bound to happen after a while. But the fact that 70 per cent of members haven’t even visited the group, in over two weeks, is a little concerning.

    I see the odd requests for help still keep popping up. And, until the last 3 or 4 weeks, I helped when I could. But after helping a number of people with suggestions, two of whom totally blanked me and any helpful comments I made, both inside and outside of this site, I knew I needed to rethink what I was trying to achieve. I couldn’t simply continue helping people, when a good number did’t even acknowledge it. If you ask for help surely you have to connect with those helping and inform them if their suggestions are actually helpful? Feedback works both ways!!

    So what do you all, out there, suggest to make this more of a place where you don’t feel self pressured, as I did, to constantly comment and assist?

    We all have something to give to this group, I understand that concept fully. But for me reality has kicked in, and with that in mind…

    …I have recently attended a couple of speaking groups (Toastmasters) in my local area and intend to join at least one of them. To boost my speaking skills specifically, and my confidence in general. Sitting in front of, and hiding behind, a computer screen for the last 12 years has depleted both my quality of vocal communication and my confidence in general. Not to mention my empty wallet.

    I have been told that I have to run before I can walk, by a few trusted mentors, and that means making some cash from some straightforward, basic stuff that actually works, before leaping into making the world’s greatest authority blog site. Getting a JOB is not a realistic option for me, for reasons I won’t go into. There is one method I have been presented with but it risks losing money I don’t have if just a single refund is requested. I don’t mind taking a calculated risk but before I can do that, I need at least a couple of thousand behind me (Sterling pounds or US dollars) as a buffer.

    The method I referred to requires talking to local business groups, and offering them help with a myriad of online/ web presence problems, but, more importantly, gets them recognition online and increases their profits. I would be a middle man, in effect, passing details onto a well respected and successful third party organisation. Hence why I am in the process of joining the Public Speaking groups.

    But now I feel I am having to learn to crawl, before I can walk and before I can break into a run. In effect I have taken two steps back. If there is anything anyone can advise that I can do, on a basic level, to make a small income within say… 6 months or so. (I am only talking around a thousand a month, with minimal set up costs, I would be extremely grateful. No gimmicks or Crypto currency nonsense please, or even list building to come to think about it, as that, for me currently, is still running. And I am only just starting to crawl again as I mentioned previously.

    So there you have it… my own admissions of guilt for poor attendance over the last few weeks and what I am trying to do about it. Any help and workable suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

    I am not twiddling my thumbs by the way, and lazily waiting upon your kind suggestions to roll in:) I am actively looking for something to do to enable me to grow a small bank, which allows me to start the whole website, blog, memberships malarkey in the future. (And I do mean within the confines of 2018). I don’t want to be in this position come 2019!!

    Thanks for your patience.

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  • Author
  • #5342

    Bruce Hoag

    I don’t know what to tell you, Les.

    No entrepreneurial venture, online or off, is a guaranteed success at all, never mind in 12 months.

    And when it comes to any kind of investment, you should never risk money that you can’t afford to lose.

    Amateur gamblers risk their future in the hope of getting the big one in the present. That’s why the casinos are rich, and the punters are poor.

    The “opportunity” you describe doesn’t sound like an opportunity for anything except to lose your money. I say that because of the risks involved with just one refund request and the fact that you’re a middleman.

    Middlemen have no future. When companies restructure, for example, positions are often combined. When a market is disrupted, middlemen disappear and entire industries are affected.

    And a single refund could cause you to lose your money? That’s not much of a margin.

    I’d steer clear of this if I were you.

    That said, how could you do it so that you weren’t the middleman? How could you steal the march altogether? How could you remove them from the equation? That’s how entrepreneurs think.

    As for the forum itself, it’s worth remembering 80/20; and this is true of almost any volunteer organization: 20% of the people will do 80% of the work. And you’ve said it yourself: 70%, which for all intents and purposes is near enough to 80%, haven’t come to the forum at all.

    So I don’t think that we need to be too concerned about the numbers of people who do nothing. If anything we ought to expect it.

    When more people join, there will be more interaction, but it will still only be about 20% on a consistent basis.

    My concern is that those who were active seem to have lost their steam. The success of the forum depends on the people who are in it. If we stop participating, then it will die.

    When the forum was first launched, I asked what people were expecting to get from it. The vast majority of respondents said that they wanted to help people.

    That rather begs the question then, doesn’t it?

    Does the lack of participation mean that they have changed their minds?

    Seems to me that there’s scope for the people who were once active to develop relationships with those of kindred spirit in the forum. It’s what you’d expect to happen in other forums.

    This forum is going to be what we make it.

    We just have to decide what that will be.

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

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  • #5345

    Leslie Leftley

    Hi Bruce and Happy New Year to you.

    The opportunity, as a middleman, is a good one but it does require a bank of at least £900 behind one. I need to earn that and then get out of my comfort zone into face to face meetings and business presentations.

    I only require a handful of clients to sign up for all manner of web services and I can then re-invest part of that money into a high level training with a world class mentor and trusted friend. The company providing the services is established and not fly by night.

    I take on board your comments on the demise of the middleman in certain areas although I do not see this happening, generally, for a good while yet. In any case I only need it to work for me for a limited time to gain the bank and funds I need to go from a crawl to a walk. Anything I may earn above that would be gravy.

    I can not replace the company providing the services as I am not an expert in SEO or Cloud Services or Web page building etc ext etc, so I could not and would not really want to try and replace them. My interests lie elsewhere.

    The idea is to gain my bank within 6 months, or a calendar year at most. Surely that is possible? I’m only talking £12000 over a year, less than half the average wage in the UK. If there isn’t a simple way to do that online, then maybe it’s time to give up with IM in general.

    Thanks for your comments anyway. At least you tried to guide me. As you are primarily a writer I did not expect you to have a ready made system for me to get stuck into. But maybe there is one such person among the other 106 of us!!

    I doubt I will get anymore offers of help until next week anyway now.

    I agree with you on the 80/20 split on how these things develop. But even you concluded that the promises to help had seemingly evaporated… and that is more like a 95/5 split which is not too healthy.

    And a greater number of individuals have asked for help than have provided “valuable” guidance.

    Finally, if I get no workable methods I shall just have to figure it out myself… by hook or by crook as they say.

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    • #5347

      Bruce Hoag

      I’ve flipped-flopped quite a bit this year, Les, but I’m convinced that I’m both a writer and a psychologist. I understand why people think and act the way they do in the world work, both online and offline. (Sean will back me up on this.)

      And you’re right: I don’t have a ready-made system for you; but I can probably help you to find one.

      The bit about SEO concerns me. If you’re working for an agency, then it’s probably still relevant; but don’t expect it to be much longer.

      I saw an article the other day from HubSpot. They described how they lost 25% of their unique visitors in one month because of the changes Google had made in the way they displayed search results, and how the second month they lost even more.

      And get this: They still had the number one spot in the results. It’s just that by the time Google showed its adverts and a thing called the “Featured” box, their number one result was in the middle of the page.

      Google’s algorithms are changing every day as well. Keyword phrases don’t matter. That’s because Google now determines what a piece of content is about based on what it says; not the frequency or placement of certain long-tail phrases or LSIs.

      All that said, here’s something you need to think about. Unless you’re already an expert in those things, why would you want to devote so much time, effort, and money in order to learn it? Why not commit the same resources to building the business that you want online?

      Forgive me for saying so, but this opportunity feels like another BSO?

      Is it?

      You don’t need to tell me, but it would be worth pondering what the fundamental differences are between this and any other similarly priced BSO you’ve bought in the past.

      Here endeth the first lesson. 😉

      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #5349

      Leslie Leftley

      Thanks Bruce,

      I’m well aware of the minefields associated with SEO. But the company I would be directing business toward are on top of such things. Effort to get clients would not be massive, but would be continuous until I had several, but getting out of my comfort zone would be. But the rewards for testing yourself and getting out of your comfort zone are higher than any cash gained. And this company do not just concentrate upon SEO they have many other strings to their bow.

      As I inferred this is simply a stepping zone. The whole idea of being a middle man is that you don’ have to be an expert. And this is purely stop gap. I have wasted years and years and years procrastinating and not pushing through. So even trying something and giving my all and still failing would be an improvement.

      But as I said I can not take on the opportunity until I have a small bank (£900, so until that happens I can’t do anything anyway. But it’s NOT a “BSO” it’s a recommendation from a mentor of mine who has been successful online for about the same time as Sean. He is a World Class copywriter (and I don’t say that lightly). And businessmen worth hundreds of millions have sought out his help. he has turned down far more projects than he has accepted. And he is an NLP expert and Buyer Psychology genius. And I am underplaying rather than building him up. So please don’t be concerned with my source.

      You would like the guy I am talking about. He is based in the UK and is one of the good guys and entirely genuine. What you see is what you get.(similar to Sean).

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  • #5348

    Bruce Hoag

    Came across this article a few moments ago: 11 Ways to Make Money Online.

    And here are a few more places to look listed by source:

    The Balance
    Scott Alan Turner

    And one more. This is the Side Hustle School with Chris Guillebeau. Each episode is less than 10 minutes long, and there are hundreds to listen to. In every case, these people were working full-time jobs and in their spare time created a side hustle.

    Side Hustle Podcast

    Bruce Hoag PhD
    The Internet Marketing Psychologist
    The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #5350

      Leslie Leftley

      Thanks for taking time out to help me Bruce,

      I will give the article and those sources the once over. Although I am familiar with the first 3 in your list.

      But I do have a backup idea of my own ( to make bank this year) which I am slowly trying to form into a coherent strategy, if all else fails.

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  • #5352

    Sean Mize


    thanks for sharing, and I take full responsibility that folks haven’t been participating as much lately . . . it usually takes a firestarter to kick things off strong and over the holidays (Christmas and New Years) I haven’t been firestarting here in the Forum.

    I imagined it would be a place where folks would ask questions of each other etc, and comment on the things they are learning on my weekly Coaching Calls, and other things . . .and perhaps there aren’t as many questions right now.

    And of course I haven’t been asking any either . . . so you taking the time to ask a question is great!

    I’m sorry you’ve felt pressured to participate . . this really is designed to be somewhere where folks willingly help when they want to, and others ask questions when they want to.

    I’ve been watching that kind of thing, and thinking that a few little tweaks . . so that there is a distinction between people who need help and people who are offering it . . . might help things . . .

    it’s like everyone is supposed to need help – and also offer help . . but in reality, that may not be the case as much as I thought!

    Les, I’ll be doing something big here soon, nearly ready to put finishing touches on it . . . and I think when I do, participation will go up soon!

    But please don’t feel obligated to participate – just help when you want to, and ask questions if you have one!



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    • #5354

      Leslie Leftley

      Thanks for that Sean,

      Yes, as you have also read, I have my own tough decisions to make, before I can become as valuable a member as I would like to be in this forum.

      And it is for that reason that I might well have to limit my own contributions until I find a way through my current problems.

  • #5356

    Kristin VanTilburg

    Hi Les:

    I am just completing a basic training about removing money blocks on income, debt, saving and financial trauma. If you are having trouble in any of these areas it is possible that freeing up some energy could make a big difference no matter what actions you decide to take.

    If you would be interested in checking out my course for free in exchange for a testimonial if you like the content, please email me at, and I will be happy to share my course with you.

    Standing with you for clarity in your endeavors in 2018!

    Kristin van Tilburg
    Stressed out? Overwhelmed?
    Visit my website to receive a free 5 day email mini-class in dealing with overwhelm!

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    • #5358

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Kristen,

      Thanks for your reply. But I don’t clearly understand what you mean by money blocks.

      My wife and I already have a debt management agreement in position. And have had this for 12 years.

      I am simply looking for simply, dependable ways to earn a very limited income, so that I can build a very modest bank in a relatively short period of time. (6 months say)

      Does your course provide this?

      As I said, I am only talking about raising (£1000 per month after say, 6 months)I don’t see that as being over ambitious.

      Would you be able to send me a private message or shall I email you?

  • #5368

    Scott Hogue

    I want to commend you on starting this topic.

    We all know there is a time honored tradition of shooting the messenger. You did a pretty brave thing and can borrow my bullet proof vest anytime.

    I want to thank and encourage Sean, a lot has been done here and hopefully he won’t lose interest and will come back to take it to the next level.

    Things aren’t working out here as expected, but I find that to be a learning experience too.

    I see several things at play here in no particular order.

    1. Activity breeds activity.
    When the core players fell back, the rest followed. When things are buzzing along I think there is a temptation to jump in. No activity, no temptation to add your 2 cents or 2 pence as it may be.

    2. We went against human nature.
    My stepdaughter couldn’t get a job, she wore her blouse inside out for a fashion statement when she was a teenager and took a general hippy look. I told her people would judge her by her appearance. She said they shouldn’t and I agreed, but honey they do. She finally dressed “up” a bit and got a job.
    You have to give people a reason to do something. We took away the leader board. The other contests mentioned didn’t occur. There was no reward or positive feedback. I know, people should do things like help others without some reward. They should, but they don’t. We have few self actuated people at the top of the hierarchy pyramid.

    There has to be some reward, bragging rights, a good feeling, a contest, something.

    Can you imagine asking someone to marry you and they ask what is in it for me and you say, nothing? Sure we have information and a lot of good logical reasons to be active here, but we aren’t as logical as we like to think.

    3. It wasn’t like many expected.
    People don’t look at things as being like we say, they take them as they take them.
    My wife and I are the world’s worst communicators. I say something and she runs with it based on what she was thinking, not what I said.
    Take, what do you think about eating out tonight? She doesn’t reply. An hour later she is dressed up and ready to go. I am surprised.
    “But you said we were going out to eat tonight!” No honey, that was a question not a statement and you didn’t respond so I am thawing out some things for supper.
    Sean made it pretty plain what this would be, but I still think we were looking for some live step by step course to follow. Let’s face it, we all need some structure and coaching isn’t usually telling people what to do, in my practice it is getting them to do what they know to do, but aren’t doing. Sean has done that in a lot of his other training and I think we somehow expected or needed it here.
    The library here is fantastic, but libraries are pretty static.

    4. Where are all of the people?
    I thought that after this was up and running Sean would promote it and it would grow by the hundreds. At this time we have 108.
    I was hoping to see how you blow up a platform here so I could do it, but when it didn’t happen and things stayed about the same there was little reason to log in and see that little changed. Meeting and greeting new people is a way to generate activity and to feel helpful and get that positive feedback.

    5. It is hard work.
    I think Sean has put a lot into this, but it didn’t take off as planned, that has to be discouraging. A lot of good has been done, let’s hope he feels like putting in more hard work to get us over the hurdle.

    6. Where is Sean?
    We are all here because we like Sean and he has helped us. When he isn’t here it is a bit like the house without the grandkids, it just isn’t the same. I know the holidays distracted us all and Sean too I am sure. But until this thing gets to buzzing we need regular doses of Sean.

    Just some of my thoughts.

    I have a few more, but I don’t have my bullet proof vest on….;-)

    best to all,

    Scott Hogue CChH
    Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

    The thread on this group that explains it:

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #5410

      Leslie Leftley

      Hi Scott,

      Thanks for your input. I agree generally with what you say, except that I’m not quite sure if the renewed activity of a handful of regular contributors will generate much more commitment by the majority.

      We have to accept the 80/20 rule as Bruce alluded to, but the split is currently, and alarmingly, closer to 95/5.

      To be honest I don’t really have a solution. Although Sean’s recent launch of Member’s tutorials will hopefully stir a few more members into mutually supporting one another.

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  • #5416

    Steve Allen

    Hi Les (& Scott & Bruce),
    Yep- great discussion and much needed. For anyone following Sean for a while you’ll know he’s agonized over how to get people really involved and active for quite a while. I think he was hoping this would/could be different but Scott, you’re right about the ‘where’s Sean’ thing. EVERYTHING in life boils down to leadership and when people don’t see those they are trying to follow they tend to drift off the trail. I believe and hope that Sean’s latest, Membership Tutorials, will breath some life into the group but I’m going to be honest here… I’ve been working my back side off the last few weeks trying to get something I’m happy with ready to run with and having a place to showcase something I’m not done with isn’t what will make it done. Nothing except just plain ole hard work and stick-to-it-ness will. I’ve got that but posting pages of rants here isn’t helping me finish either.
    Ya, ya, ya, I know it doesn’t have to be perfect.:) But it DOES have to make sense and without certain parts of it completed it isn’t any better than 95% of the junk peddled in this industry for a quick buck. What I’m working on is exactly what you’re looking for, Les, because every one of my subscribers are asking for the same thing. “How do I just make a little extra…consistently?” I thing I’ll have the answer in a format anyone can understand within the next couple weeks and I’ll post it in Sean’s new Membership Tutorial area and see how it goes.
    Until then… I’ll keep popping my head in to see how everyone’s doing but won’t spend as much time here are Scott and Bruce seem to (Both write long post quite consistently and unless they’re super fast with a keyboard that takes TIME).
    Talk soon.

    If you're looking for a someone to bounce things off of in the IM world, I'm your guy and I really would love to help you out. Helping others is just who I am!

    To Change Your Life Forever check out me out at

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    • #5417

      Scott Hogue

      Steve, I am a touch typist and Mrs. Stewart had us type dictation in typing class. I can talk and type, type and talk, but when my wife comes in the room our conversation sometimes makes it into my emails…

      I am embarrassed to admit I don’t slave over these posts as some might think 😉


      Scott Hogue CChH
      Follow me in the "Use What You Learn Challenge" as I create a website using what I learn from Sean that is a Platform for my niche:

      The thread on this group that explains it:

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    • #5442

      Steve Allen

      I imagine you’re right. I used to type faster than I could read. So you suggesting that the long posts aren’t something you have to slave over is, I imagine, true. But for ME, things are a little different. I just read your entire post in the Members Tutorial section about how much of our brain we use. That whole question is not only fascinating to me but touches home really close.

      About 5 years ago I, out of the blue, had a brain hemorrhage that put me in ICU for a while and when i emerged, I had to learn how to read and write and walk and talk and pretty much everything all over again. THAT was difficult to say the least but it taught me something and that is that WANTING something is most of the battle. If I had decided at that time that things were going to be too difficult to ‘relearn’ I would absolutely not be where I am today doing what I do today.

      Before that lifechanging event, I used my brain pretty well. I was the valedictorian in my high school and did well in bible college but my personal giftings and what I could do or not do had been pretty much cemented into my thinking…so I did what I knew I was good at and didn’t even try anything else. I now know, first hand, that that was a big mistake. A perfect example is that prior to my brain bleed, I was very administrative and organized but I had never really done much public speaking because I had always though that was for the other guy and I was better helping the pastor instead of being the pastor. You get my point.

      But since starting over I have basically decided that my brain has the capability to reconnect parts of it that died during the ‘stroke’. We used to call every brain event a stroke…but medicine has now advanced and rather than believing I was in the ICU with a clot in my brain they could tell it was a broken vessel so the old clot stroke now was more correctly known as a ‘hemorrhagic stroke’. When parts of my brain were not getting the necessary blood to function normally those brain cells died and to ‘relearn’ my brain had to basically reconnect to alive parts that weren’t used to doing what they were before.

      I am now still administrative and very organized but I also can do a lot of things that I couldn’t before simply because I decided that I wanted to learn how. I now speak in front of churches and other large groups regularly and I teach things I would never have thought of even trying before.

      So in reality, though it has been quite difficult, that event 5 years ago actually gave me a new lease on life. I could have rolled over and quit but I’m sure if I had I’d be dead by now. Instead I had a clean slate I could start with and so all the computer languages I knew before I now don’t even need to spend time learning again because of the advances of WordPress and other great software make simple things that used to take lots of time and effort to learn.

      Thanks for your ‘touch-typing’ efforts here in this group. I, for one, enjoy seeing what you’ve learned during your lifetime and I learn by just coming in contact with you. I am not (yet) a touch typist but am working on it. I struggle much more than some who’ve been at it for 50 years because I’ve only been ‘at it’ for 5 but I’m getting better every day and I am truly thankful for the ‘reset’. I now know that we can pretty much be anything we want to and can do pretty much anything we want to do, we just have to quit making excuses and DO it!

      Thanks again, Scott.

      And to everyone else in this group… there’s a vast amount of knowledge that can be gained from the collaborative efforts of everyone here. Don’t take that lightly, like I used to. Glean from what others share and become a better you! I’m working on being a better me!


      If you're looking for a someone to bounce things off of in the IM world, I'm your guy and I really would love to help you out. Helping others is just who I am!

      To Change Your Life Forever check out me out at

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    • #5450

      Bruce Hoag

      Hi Steve,

      It’s easy to forget that not everyone can touch-type. I could do it before it was popular. In fact, I bought my first computer because the keys on the electric typewriter kept jamming. They couldn’t keep up with me. LOL And I tend to think and write and the same time.

      Perhaps I should explain why it appears that I’m on PreneurPal all the time. I simply leave the window open along with several others. I do check it throughout the day, but perhaps not as often as it appears. But I also have a method and can sweep through the posts, questions, and PMs in minutes.

      You’re right about Sean putting a lot of work into this forum. The thing is that if we don’t participate, then it won’t work. We each have to do what we can.


      Bruce Hoag PhD
      The Internet Marketing Psychologist
      The Mindful Writer - for deep and persuasive copy

    • #5443

      Steve Allen

      And let me add one more thing…

      I’m sure Sean has taken a LOT more effort on making this group what it can be than many in here give him credit for. The fact that the 20% post more than the other 80% isn’t a new phenomenon…but pretty normal. I, for one, am extremely grateful for all his efforts. I think it would be great for more people to acknowledge that instead of just ignoring it.

      Thanks, Sean.

      If you're looking for a someone to bounce things off of in the IM world, I'm your guy and I really would love to help you out. Helping others is just who I am!

      To Change Your Life Forever check out me out at

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    • #5444

      Yvonne A Jones

      Totally agree, Steve.

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  • #5435

    Yvonne A Jones

    Great thread!


    Of all you wrote, this sentence resonated with me the most: “Sitting in front of, and hiding behind, a computer screen for the last 12 years has depleted both my quality of vocal communication and my confidence in general. Not to mention my empty wallet.”

    Many people scoff at the idea of attending local networking events and Meetups. Are there any events in your local area? I’ll share with you why I’m such a huge proponent of attending networking events…and of course, you need to be selective. That takes time. Another thing is that you do not have to join for a fee to experience success. Please allow me to share my story. I’ll be as brief as I can.

    In 2009 I joined Business Network International as a paid member. Very expensive with lots of rules. I got nothing from it. Same year I joined the Chamber of Commerce and got very little from it. One thing those memberships did was to make me realize that small businesses needed and wanted to be online to get their message out to a larger audience but did not know what to do.

    I then took a number of online classes in Local Business Consulting, became a Social Media Manager/Small Business Consultant, etc. Honestly I spent a lot of money that I did not need to as many of the things I’d learned through my Online Marketing courses, but I did not know that.

    Where could I meet these people? I searched Meetup for business groups in my area, and there were tons of them. I started attending, sharing little tips in my 60-second introduction and gaining people’s trust. I then found someone in one of the groups who was an expert on SEO, Reputation Management (things I’d learned in my expensive courses), and we partnered together. He focused on those. I focused on Customer Service/Relationship Marketing and LinkedIn training ONLY. Together we did free workshops. Because the Know, Like and Trust factor was built up, when I offered paid workshops (offline), they were filled. I started my own Meetup and when I launched my first 4-week LinkedIn training online, 95% of the people who attended were from my Meetup Group and people I met in networking offline.

    Attending a networking group led me to the Health Care Agency that paid me the largest amount for my Social Media Marketing services and was my longest paying client. Lots of word of mouth referrals came my way as well.

    Leslie, I feel your pain because I moved back to live in Jamaica for two years and my husband and I returned here (in the US) for various reasons. I’ve not resumed active networking and see a difference. It is possible to make connections and get clients online, but I personally found it much each to connect with people face to face. Could it be the same for you?

    You mentioned you need a certain amount of money to proceed with a particular venture.
    1) What skills do you already have that you can offer to someone that they would pay you for?
    2) What life experience do you have that would put you one step on the ladder above someone
    else so you can pull them up beside you by paying you to teach them?
    3) If you have specific skills, have you ever visited to see if people are offering
    that service or require that service?
    4) Are there networking groups in your area you could visit and start making connections. Go
    with a focus on helping others knowing that the Law of Reciprocity often comes into play? I know,
    you mentioned some discouraging experiences in the forum. I’m sorry to hear that. Unfortunately,
    that happens all over.
    5) Take the time to recapture your ‘voice’ and rebuild your confidence. Start slowly, but start.

    I may be totally off-base, but was impelled to share my story in the hope that it will inspire
    you to get away from your computer.

    If you’d like to, please brainstorm with us. Sometimes what we take for granted is truly
    valuable to someone else.

    Warm wishes,

    Are you ready to leverage client relationships and grow your business quickly?
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    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #5445

    Steve Allen

    Great advice, Yvonne, and a great story I’m glad you shared to remind us all to get out from behind our screens. It is way too easy to even allow our mindset to keep us isolated which is obviously not good. Thanks again.

    If you're looking for a someone to bounce things off of in the IM world, I'm your guy and I really would love to help you out. Helping others is just who I am!

    To Change Your Life Forever check out me out at

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #5446

      Yvonne A Jones

      Thank you for reading and your feedback, Steve.


      Are you ready to leverage client relationships and grow your business quickly?
      Download your Free Guide, "Relationship Marketing: Key to Small Business Success" at

      1 user thanked author for this post.

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